Beauty, Fashion, Fashion, Style & Beauty
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August 25, 2018
When i suddenly confirmed my trip to the States for Burning Man, I was in Bali...
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Fashion, Fashion, Style & Beauty
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March 11, 2018
Love, Bonito was one of our clients when they first came to Malaysia, and now...
Family, Musings & Personal
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April 27, 2017
I was in Sydney for 10 days because my cousin got married! She’s the...
Events, Party & Festivals
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January 25, 2017
I had my first yee sang of the year thanks to The Gardens Mall who held their...
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January 19, 2017
I don’t usually do this but it seems like a whole BUNCH of interesting...
Events, Events, Party & Festivals
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December 6, 2016
After launching their flagship store in Mid Valley last year, Love Bonito...
Fashion, Style & Beauty
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January 21, 2016
*written by Baby, Rachel and Nicole* Before Joyce left for her...
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December 30, 2015
Just before Christmas, KinkyBlueFairy + MadHat organised an intimate lunch and...
Health, Spiritual, Health & Develop
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October 22, 2015
Love, Bonito hasย collaborated with Taiwanese-Italian host and model Liv Lo for...
Explore, Travel & Stay
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October 1, 2015
*written by Baby* A few weeks ago at the office… Baby: Urghh… Why...
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On the fewย occasions i was invited to be a bridesmaid at weddings, i recall...
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July 4, 2015
Just before i left for my #KBFsummer15 trip, KinkyBlueFairy and MadHat did the...