Events, Food, Party, Singapore, Travel
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August 25, 2016
*Written by Andrew I drink a lot a night before but surprisingly I manage to...
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Events, Party & Festivals, Festival
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August 21, 2016
10 days ago i woke up extra early on a Friday to get work done, drive to a...
Events, Party & Festivals
1• 16691
August 13, 2016
Ahhh, Urban Decay. What can I say, I’ve long been a fan of this cult...
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August 11, 2016
*Written by Joyce, Baby & Andrew * Joyce’s text in black Andrew in...
Events, Events, Party & Festivals
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August 3, 2016
I spent last Monday afternoon learning how to make maracons along with some of...
Events, Party & Festivals, Party
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August 2, 2016
Sephora threw their 5th birthday bash at KL Live last weekend! The party was...
Events, Party & Festivals, Weddings
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July 10, 2016
A couple of weeks ago, Jun and i headed to Genting for Christine &...
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June 1, 2016
We all have a pair of Levi’s jeans tucked at the back of our wardrobe. A...
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May 26, 2016
Urbanscapes is one of the most prominent art festivals in Malaysia. I popped...
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I know everyone is excited for Good Vibes because Phase 1 tickets were sold...
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May 24, 2016
Hey, it’s me again! The team always tells me that I hardly attend...
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May 18, 2016
I collect sunglasses. I’ve lost count of the occasions i’ve picked...