Art, Architecture & Culture, Featured Block Post
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October 5, 2018
Thank you to editor Diana Khoo, writer Lakshmi, photographer Sue and art...
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Birthdays, Musings & Personal
1• 9265
April 15, 2018
Wow what a week. Getting older makes one more pensive. Every time my birthday...
Beauty, Fashion, Style & Beauty
4• 9699
December 12, 2017
I’m giving away a Swiss line serum worth RM 538! read end of blogpost on...
La la la, Musings & Personal
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October 9, 2017
Baby and i went to TGV for the My Little Pony movie premiere this morning!! IT...
Nature, Nature, People & Beings
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Photo diary of the sunsets from my balcony across the past few months...
Food, Food, Drinks & Desserts
1• 16645
January 3, 2017
Jun has been on a cooking spree cos he took some timeย off from his corporate...
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December 20, 2016
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November 16, 2016
Since i got back from Japan it’s just been non-stop Today i wondered to...
Fairy Love, Musings & Personal
1• 23819
September 7, 2016
Rachel was introduced to us by April, and started off with interning for us,...
1• 16057
August 2, 2016
When Jun and i started dating, friends would ask in the beginning if we were...
Musings & Personal
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June 10, 2016
I wrote this post some time last week, but a tragedyย that happens every 2...
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February 24, 2016
I know i’ve been so absent on the blog, so much has been happening in the...