Food, Food, Drinks & Desserts
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November 29, 2015
* written by Baby * Last week, I volunteered to go for the opening party of...
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November 3, 2015
One evening i joined Josh, Cammy and Kenny for the Hennessy dinner at Zebra...
Food, Drinks & Desserts
1• 5580
September 21, 2015
* written by Baby * When we received the invitation from Jasmin to go to 44 @...
Art, Art, Architecture & Culture, Dessert, Food, Drinks & Desserts
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September 8, 2015
* Written by April and Baby * At KinkyBlueFairy, we try to eat healthy as...
Alcohol, Food, Drinks & Desserts
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July 6, 2015
*Written by April* As Joyce is currently on her #KBFsummer15 vacay, Andrew and...
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June 27, 2015
Just before leaving KL, i was invited to The Majestic Hotel for a preview of...
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June 24, 2015
This is a continuation of my trip in Macau which is just going to be filled...
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June 17, 2015
* Written by Joe Kwan * It had been a long ass week, when I got the email from...
1• 20166
May 29, 2015
SIX is a bar owned by Danny, which opened a year ago (oh my god i had to google...
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April 19, 2015
Iceland is home to many splendid and magical things like the Aurora Borealis,...
1• 8181
March 22, 2015
I had the privilege of tasting some LOUIS XIII cognac at a recent press...
Food, Health
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February 15, 2015
I’ve had my fair share of The Lunch Club Asia meals in the office and at...