Food, Food, Drinks & Desserts
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January 17, 2017
Last month Jun and i went to the launch of Celebrate!, a collaboration between...
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January 3, 2017
Jun has been on a cooking spree cos he took some time off from his corporate...
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December 1, 2016
For some reason, i took notice of The Bowery Group despite never visiting...
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November 1, 2016
One of my main thoughts in anticipation of going to Japan is always, “I...
1• 35146
October 12, 2016
The first time i had a meal at Sitka Studio was last year during the Love,...
Alcohol, Food, Food, Drinks & Desserts
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August 30, 2016
I rarely go for food / drink reviews cos it usually clashes with work. I had a...
Events, Food, Party, Singapore, Travel
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August 25, 2016
*Written by Andrew I drink a lot a night before but surprisingly I manage to...
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August 9, 2016
I realized that I’m so accustomed to getting almost everything...
1• 16062
August 2, 2016
When Jun and i started dating, friends would ask in the beginning if we were...
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July 14, 2016
Ken Lai is one of the people i’ve known for over 10 years from Somo...
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July 11, 2016
The Lunch Club recently got a face-lift and came back into Kuala...
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June 12, 2016
This post has NOTHING but food pictures, so if you’re fasting for...