Bangkok, Thailand, Travel
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February 15, 2014
I went to Bangkok last week for a 3-night stay with Yishyene. Here’s a...
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Koh Samui, Thailand, Travel
1• 6871
December 10, 2013
If you wanna see lots of pretty holiday pix from my first blogpost on X2, click...
2• 3385
November 16, 2013
Clem and i had such a great holiday at X2 earlier this month (it seems like...
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August 4, 2013
I went to Bangkok to source for things for my upcoming online store… and...
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May 24, 2013
I went to Bangkok last week with Sarah and we took up Clouds’ and...
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August 12, 2012
I never did blog where Cammy and i stayed in Bangkok when we went there for a...
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April 21, 2012
Erh this was a few weeks ago… i have so many things to blog about, and my...
Bangkok, Thailand
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April 8, 2012
I’ve gone to Bangkok many times, with either 1 girl friend, or a group of...
Phuket, Thailand, Travel
1• 6428
February 4, 2012
The next morning, we walked to the restaurant to have breakfast instead of...
Phuket, Thailand
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February 1, 2012
Clem and i stayed at this spectacular villa in Phuket last month… I would...
Krabi, Travel
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April 2, 2010
“I must have seen 8 pairs of tits on the way here,” i told SarChan...
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December 27, 2009
+ + scroll down for additional pix + + During one of my weekends in Bangok,...