Fashion, Travel
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May 30, 2014
Kipling has been a brand i recognise from my earliest days of walking in malls,...
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Kuching, Malaysia, Party, Travel
2• 11672
May 15, 2014
I was just thinking whether i’m becoming a really terrible blogger cos...
Bali, Health
Like• 7694
April 28, 2014
* written by SweetEeย * Since Joyce was in Europe, I had the opportunity to...
England, London, Travel
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April 24, 2014
Ahhh i’ve been pretty busy since i really SETTLED back into KL the past...
England, Food, London, Travel
Like• 4854
April 21, 2014
I LOVE eating in London! There are SO many amazing diverse restaurants peppered...
Like• 3536
April 16, 2014
I spent two nights sleeping over at Yishyene‘s place when i was in London...
Bali, Birthdays, Indonesia, Luxury, Travel
Like• 3320
April 15, 2014
Thank you to both my parents who made me, and molded me into the person i am...
Frankfurt, Germany, Luxury, Travel
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April 11, 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in Frankfurt, thanks to being put up at luxury...
Bologna, Food, Italy, Travel
Like• 7215
April 7, 2014
Here are a plethora of pictures i took in Bologna on our first day there. I was...
Italy, Party, Travel
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April 3, 2014
Ok i’m back in London for a week and barely had ANY TIME to message poor...
Art, Frankfurt, Germany, Travel
1• 6924
March 31, 2014
Er… i’ve been in Europe for a week and only up to Day 2 of my...
Like• 3144
March 29, 2014
I just realised that… Thursday: i had breakfast and lunch in Frankfurt,...