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Mama’s 90th Birthday

December 18, 2018

My grandmother celebrated her 90th birthday on the eve of Deepavali this year....

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Happy 35th Birthday to me!

April 15, 2018

Wow what a week. Getting older makes one more pensive. Every time my birthday...

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Mya’s 2nd Birthday Party

September 20, 2017

… had way more balloons than any birthday party i ever had! ‘Twas...

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Chloe turns 3!

May 30, 2017

It was Chloe’s 3rd birthday party on Saturday, and i had such a great...

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Jun’s Birthday! @ Westin Langkawi

July 10, 2016

I wanted to make Jun‘s birthday special, but i also didn’t want to...

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My 33rd Birthday

June 10, 2016

I wrote this post some time last week, but a tragedy that happens every 2...

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My 32nd Birthday!

April 16, 2015

Damn, the number looks so much higher when typed down! I find it hard to...

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Super Chic Sunday!

July 1, 2009

A few months ago, SmallSerena and i were chattering away when she suddenly...

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Langkawi + Back For Birthday

April 15, 2009

I took off to Langkawi last Friday with DarlingDhanya, Aps and DD’s...

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Burn A Star And I’ll Burn You Back

October 28, 2008

I think Runway Thunder’s such a cool name. The more i repeat it in my...

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