Beauty, Fashion, Style & Beauty, Spa + Beauty
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April 25, 2017
“A change would do you good” are the words of Sheryl Crow, but...
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Events, Events, Party & Festivals
Like• 25055
September 4, 2016
The people at Jiro KL got KBF to invite some guests from our contact listย to...
Events, Events, Party & Festivals, Party
Like• 6336
September 28, 2015
*Written by Andrew* Joyce was out of town and Faridah needed to attend another...
Fashion, Fashion, Style & Beauty
1• 7035
September 9, 2015
*Written by April and Baby* Nelissa Hilman celebrated the third anniversary of...
Art, Art, Architecture & Culture, Dessert, Food, Drinks & Desserts
Like• 5274
September 8, 2015
* Written by April and Babyย * At KinkyBlueFairy, we try to eat healthy as...
Art, Art, Architecture & Culture, Music
Like• 5954
August 26, 2015
I need to go to bed RIGHT NOW so i’ll do a quick one on this first...
Alcohol, Food, Drinks & Desserts
1• 20216
May 29, 2015
SIX is a bar owned by Danny, which opened a year ago (oh my god i had to google...
Art, Art, Architecture & Culture
Like• 8824
May 1, 2015
When Claudia asked me whether i wanted to go for a silkscreen printing workshop...
Like• 4759
June 17, 2011
Commercial and editorial stylist Calvin Cheong has opened yet another boutique,...
Like• 3531
April 12, 2010
I saw Baci tweet that new stock came in last week, so i popped by as soon as i...
Events, Fashion
Like• 4267
February 10, 2010
Have been out all day today and gotta rush out again now! Just some quick pix...