Blogs, Musings & Personal
2• 9526
March 12, 2015
My blog has turnedย 11 years old! When some peopleย get to know that, they...
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Musings & Personal, Ugh
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March 10, 2015
I’d got SweetEe to blow up a single helium balloon for Saira’s...
5• 7891
We had our first office yee sang dinner with all the people we work most...
Fairy Love, Musings & Personal, Ugh
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March 9, 2015
A LOT happened this week… but i’m just gonna talk about my weekend...
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March 1, 2015
My blog turns 11 years old! Crazy right… if you told me when i first...
La la la
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February 13, 2015
I brought an old necklace into the store today to get it cleaned. As the store...
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January 15, 2015
Thanks to Voon Wei for sending over the feature from last month’s issue...
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January 13, 2015
We celebrated Dhanya’s birthday last month by having a small group of us...
Emo, Personal Development
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January 11, 2015
Play this vid while you read the post cos the song is exactly how i’m...
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December 31, 2014
Wow i feel like i did a LOT this year. So much happened, i went to so many...
Family, Food, Musings & Personal
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Leading up to Christmas, the KBF team were just drowning in all sorts of work...
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December 24, 2014
I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve already. I barely just started...