Personal Development, Spiritual, Health & Develop
1• 8606
July 9, 2017
To create a new and exciting bubble of life, one has to break out of their old...
Read article
Like• 6280
July 6, 2017
My journey with my hoop began just because i liked being near one, or in one. I...
Like• 30182
October 9, 2016
Personal Development, Spiritual, Health & Develop, Sponsored Post
1• 39662
September 25, 2016
When i was single, i relished in it. Freedommmm!!! I had more time to do all...
1• 5525
April 3, 2015
“Where there is kindness, there is goodness, and where there is goodness,...
Emo, Personal Development
Like• 5474
January 11, 2015
Play this vid while you read the post cos the song is exactly how i’m...
Like• 5516
November 19, 2014
Oh god i just want sleep. The idea of sleep never felt so good. I just want to...
Personal Development
Like• 4420
October 26, 2014
As i was sitting on Cammy’s balcony talking to her on Saturday night, i...
Like• 2464
September 23, 2014
I couldn’t think of a title so i described a painting in my house...
Like• 3142
September 19, 2014
Oh man, it’s not like i want this blog to die, but there’s JUST SO...
Personal Development, Spiritual
Like• 3516
September 7, 2014
So many changes have been happening in my life Including this desire to know...
Like• 3873
June 18, 2014
I’ve been going in and out of a terrible fever since this morn, but am...