Beauty, Fashion, Fashion, Style & Beauty
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August 25, 2018
When i suddenly confirmed my trip to the States for Burning Man, I was in Bali...
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Beauty, Fashion, Style & Beauty
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September 8, 2017
Just before Aps & Jamie’s wedding in Kuching, i booked a sessย @...
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May 2, 2017
When Han at Centro Hair Salon coloured my hair last, i initially wanted a...
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March 2, 2017
I hate to sound like an old goat, but kids these days are spoilt for colour...
Events, Party & Festivals
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January 25, 2017
I had my first yee sang of the year thanks to The Gardens Mall who held their...
Fashion, Fashion, Style & Beauty, Shopping
1• 2839
August 27, 2016
Friday of KL Fashion Week – I had a hair shoot with Centro Hair Salon...
Media, Musings & Personal
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August 4, 2016
Thanks to Adele at Female mag who got in touch with me for a feature...
2• 5983
April 26, 2016
And that grinch is me. Definition of grinch according to thesaurus: complainer,...
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December 10, 2015
I feel like i unlocked a life achievement. I am now MANY steps closer to being...