Fairy Love, Musings & Personal
2• 11446
July 26, 2017
For every person, place and experience i encounter, i take a little of you with...
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La la la, Musings & Personal
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June 30, 2017
It seems like such a long day cos so many THINGS have happened in the most...
Musings & Personal
Like• 6478
June 15, 2017
The sunset today wasย exceptional. Always take time to praise a bit of nature...
Emo, Musings & Personal
1• 6924
May 17, 2017
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May 12, 2017
Sometimes you don’t want that day to end cos when the darkness falls,...
Birthdays, Musings & Personal
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May 10, 2017
I wasn’t really sure what i wanted to do for my birthday, because i was...
Family, Musings & Personal
Like• 9911
April 27, 2017
I was in Sydney for 10 days because my cousin got married! She’s the...
Dating, Musings & Personal
Like• 6447
February 22, 2017
While i was in Taiwan, Jun went on a fishing trip with the French boys for...
Business, Tech & Gadgets, Uncategorized, Work
Like• 7055
February 17, 2017
KinkyBlueFairy’s productsย and accessories are now physically available...
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February 7, 2017
Oh that was glorious...
1• 8904
January 26, 2017
Obviously at age 33, many people are asking or strongly hinting at my having...
1• 14593
January 4, 2017
I was so relieved for 2016 to be over....