Fashion, Style & Beauty

“I Went To Feed The Fish!”

January 2, 2008

I kept on telling everyone that the week before Christmas. Because we...

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Another 5 Minutes of ‘Just Looking’ = Even...

January 1, 2008

New Year’s Day was spent in KL. I merrily popped confetti in the bedroom....

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5 Minutes of ‘Just Looking’ = Fail.

December 31, 2007

CherubicCho and i were rushing out of Gardens to head for our separate plans....

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The C. Club

December 25, 2007

Working next to Pavilion Kuala Lumpur has its perks of trying out all the new...

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Phwoar. Baby-shopping.

December 21, 2007

Baby-shopping is tiring. I spent ages on the 5th floor in Pavilion going...

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2201 Fashion Avenue

December 16, 2007

One day before Lap Sap (i forgot which Lap Sap), AdamPoserPan said he’d...

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I Know What ‘Clucky’ Means Now -_-

December 14, 2007

This was on Wed night when we had our agency dinner – BAT/Ogilvy/G2...

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Far Off Spectrums – MIFA + Babies 0_o

December 9, 2007

Was so busy during MIFA/Fashion Week that i didn’t blog so many things...

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Loaf Lattes

December 4, 2007

The Loaf is my regular Coffee Fix Joint now. Their sandwiches are yummy and...

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Cos Lap Sap Makes Me Happy

December 3, 2007

I fell ill last week (and also the week before that -_-) and got GarfieldChak...

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