
Breathwork by Shellie White Light

July 6, 2017

Below is a an experience i wrote in March 2015....

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July 3, 2017

Dedicated to those experiencing pain: Let it out darling Don’t keep it in...

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Life lessons from my first experience with a...

August 5, 2016

The shy writer in me stores away pieces of writing which i write because the...

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“Are you ready to come to Crazyland?”

July 27, 2016

It’s only Wednesday but i’ve felt like it’s been a VERY long...

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A thin line

July 21, 2016

An unmistakable hollow of sky etched into the clouds...

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Cleansing my pet rock

May 23, 2015

It didn’t hit me that i actually have a pet rock (ok i have many stones...

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Mercury in Retrograde May 19 – June 11

May 19, 2015

At the end of April, we were having a meeting about our schedule for May. Me:...

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“I’m going for a hoop retreat.”

March 29, 2015

“A what?” people retort when i tell them i am going to be away for...

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March 4, 2015

Today was a great day. I had a worrying start to the week where i fell really...

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Of Underrated Solitude and Rainbow Sparkles***

September 21, 2014

I spent Friday night in alone cos i only managed to eat dinner i made at 10pm,...

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A new Deeksha Giver

September 7, 2014

So many changes have been happening in my life Including this desire to know...

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Past Life Regression Therapy

July 30, 2014

I have been led to believe that i needed to get this done in order to find dots...

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