Events, Fashion
Like• 4295
March 25, 2008
This is a bit late (yar, it’s considered late when it comes to blogs cos...
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Birthdays, Events, Party, Spa + Beauty
Like• 3084
March 20, 2008
I’m still adjusting to pulling off the whole work during day and events...
Events, Party
Like• 1641
March 18, 2008
TAG on Wed. Thursday is public holiday. Odin spinning too! (i’m looking...
Events, Fashion, Party
Like• 3504
March 16, 2008
I’s already going for Stylo for my publication, but after blogging about...
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March 12, 2008
Smack in the heart of KL, is one of the busiest roads in the city. And on this...
Alcohol, Birthdays, Events, Fashion, Party, Shopping
Like• 3713
March 4, 2008
This post is a lot of randomness thrown in FaiTheMai threw a bbq at his house...
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“What’re you doing this week?” asked RowdyRudy. “Well,...
Events, La la la
Like• 2813
February 28, 2008
********************** What an Unemployed Person Does on a Weekday. 1pm –...
Events, Music
1• 2712
February 17, 2008
Cos i love Kevin, yo. Kevin… Yeoh… geddit? KinkyPugKevin, in his...
Like• 2120
December 19, 2007
Yeah i suck. I should have posted this long ago >.< My bad. Just go! I...
Like• 2888
December 16, 2007
One day before Lap Sap (i forgot which Lap Sap), AdamPoserPan said he’d...
Events, Fashion, Party, Women
Like• 4106
December 9, 2007
Was so busy during MIFA/Fashion Week that i didn’t blog so many things...