La la la
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January 20, 2013
I was quite dubious about Clem’s present-buying skills before Christmas...
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Alcohol, Birthdays, Food
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January 7, 2013
It guilts me slightly that i post about last weekend before New Year’s...
Like• 2576
December 30, 2012
My brother turns 27 today, on the second last day of the year, so there’s...
Family, Food
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December 28, 2012
I decided that the turkey i do this year should go to my family first, so the...
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December 19, 2012
So my parents have got this new chow chow, which is our family’s second...
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Thanks to photographer Wan, Juice mag and Heineken for such a great shot of me...
Fairy Love, Spiritual
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December 12, 2012
I was googling and youtubing about the significance of today some time last...
slutting it
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December 10, 2012
LAPSAP is throwing one of their biggest parties ever! There’sย gonna be...
Fairy Love, People & Beings
Like• 4872
November 26, 2012
There was SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT i had to attend on Sunday morning at...
Family, La la la
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November 11, 2012
Like• 3759
November 9, 2012
The initial line up for Future Music Fest Asiaย 2013ย was just released last...
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November 7, 2012
I noted down Urbanscapes in my moleskine MONTHS ago when the dates were first...