Dailydress, Fashion
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December 7, 2012
I think i’ve watched the #GoForth ad at least fiveย times. Read my Go...
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December 5, 2012
When i was first asked to blog about Sacoor Brothers, i wasn’t sure...
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Attended the Dr Martens launch because… well it’s Dr Martens. I...
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November 15, 2012
I first heard of Stolen when i blogged about Bazarro boutique. When i found...
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November 13, 2012
Local leather, accessories and jewelry designer label Thirtyfourย is...
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November 2, 2012
A few weeks ago, i saw a photo of these gorgeous gold flats posted on...
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October 21, 2012
Pic taken from Tongue in Chic.ย I wore this to the SEETHROUGH launch. white cap...
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October 11, 2012
I’ve heard so much about Thimble but never did visit it since its opening...
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October 2, 2012
The fashion community was abuzz last weekend as British designer J.W. Anderson...
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September 28, 2012
Some of the outfits i’ve been throwing on myself this month. I’m...
Fashion, Food, Johor, Malaysia, Travel
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September 27, 2012
I really wanted to share these awesome places in Johor with you all… if...
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September 22, 2012
My friend in Singapore, Linda, has just launched her indie blogshop called...