KBF has been running some digital projects for Sasa Malaysia, and we’ve been loving it cos the team there are lovely (and all girls woohoo) and i find them so easy to work with. It’s pushed us to work with influencers out of the usual bunch we engage for other brands, from teenagers to hijab KOLs. Peeps totally out of the circles i see at events. Very interesting.
I digressed. The point of this blogpost (as title suggests) is this make up collection Sasa sent to me. Dahlah i’m happy enough we work on things with them, and they send me more make up too!?
I had to blog about it cos this collection is slick.
As you know, i cannot bear taking more than 15 mins to apply make up. I swear this was the result. The eyeshadows are really smooth and easy to blend!
Unrelated – when i posted the pic above, someone commented my fingers are really long. Hell yeah, i could reach an octave when i was a kid. Unfortch i haven’t touched the piano for years now.
Please admire the earrings in the pic. They’re a piece of pride in my accessory collection, crafted by metal smiths in Bali. I never wore them for years and just kept them in a box. Bought them back when i didn’t have property bills x1033984 to nurse. And nowadays, i just USE all my prized possessions. What’s the point of them sitting in a box for nobody to see?
The sunset that day killed it with my make up. #casafairy ftw

PUPA Pink Muse Vamp! Metallic Eyeshadow in Shade 008 Doll Pink, Shade 010 Tasteful Chocolate
PUPA Pink Muse Vamp! Palette in Charming Nude 005
PUPA Pink Muse Vamp! Eyeshadow Palette in 005 Charming Nude
PUPA Pink Muse Cream Highlighter in Shade 002 Pink Muse

PUPA Pink Muse Lasting Color Gel in 176 Apricot Pink, PUPA Pink Muse Top Coat in 004 Pink Muse Paillettes
PUPA Pink Muse Miss Pupa Gloss in Shade 208 Romantic Pink
The lip gloss gives one of those juicy glossy pouts, and the chubby balm is really convenient to keep in handbag for a light natural sheen any time of the day. The nude nail varnish is a fave colour too. But if you were to only buy one item from the collection, i’d say go for the eyeshadows.

PUPA Pink Muse Miss Pupa in Shade 107 Apricot Pink
PUPA Pink Muse Chubby Balm in Shade 001 Universal Pink
PUPA is available at SaSa stores across Malaysia!
FB: facebook.com/SaSaMalaysia
IG: @sasamalaysia
Website: sasamy.com.my
- Make up pix by Sheryl Ng aka The Left Side Photography
How i wish you could help to tell their PR & marketing team; to do something about their customer service. most beauty bloggers/junkies avoid going to SASA altogether because of their sales assistants who would just jump right in the moment any customer walk into the store and follow them around either asking question non stop to the customer or stand quietly but at a very close proximity. Being polite by telling them it’s ok, i would like to browse and i will call for help if needed be; sounds like foreign/alien to them. I thought i was the only one facing that until i asked random strangers on their experience, a dozen of close friends and even beauty bloggers. which they all faced the same thing. SASA has great selections and carry some of the brands which is not available at other stores which is a plus point. But their customer service sucks big time. and that’s why even when there’s sale at SASA the crowd is really relatively small. when the discount offered is pretty awesome.
Thank you very much for your comment and the time you took to write it, i have passed the message on to the team at Sasa and they will be getting in touch with the customer service team <3