Dropped by Shermen & Ida’s wedding just now
SUCH a HOT day and elaborate violet affair they had outside
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Such a wonderful day to do laundry (which i did)
And clean my room (which i’m still in the midst of prepping myself to do :p)
My room is relatively clean…
It just has lots of clean and new clothes, bags and shoes strewn everywhere right now
I was chilling in my front garden (still prepping myself to clean room, see)
And was admiring my fairy blowing kisses at the fish in the water…
When i spotted a rather interesting insect at her tootsies!
I was crouching down getting a shot when Daddy came outside
Daddy: I saw on your blog you took a picture of a *grasshopper* that day
Me: Ha ha yeah
Daddy: That’s the one which has been eating all my plants okay. And you take picture of itย
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I’ve been Twittering (micro-blogging) much more than i used to
Probably because quite a few people i know have all started getting semangat with Twitter ever since dl-ing Twitterific (thanks SarChan!)
You can follow me on Twitter on my left hand sidebar (points to left of your screen) or *here*