La la la, Sponsored Post
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October 27, 2009
This is gonna be a post with random pictures okay! + + + My new obsession is a...
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La la la
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October 19, 2009
I guess partying for 4 nights in a row really got to me! My throat started...
Like• 1173
October 2, 2009
Am insanely tired today so just gonna ramble again. Flight last night was...
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September 15, 2009
I met up with AshleyTheMonkey, QueenKanch and Nadia for a quick dinner just now...
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September 3, 2009
Instead of my usual blog with lots of pictures post, i thought i’d just...
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August 31, 2009
i was invited by owner Tong to visit new watch store H5 last week, just two...
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August 20, 2009
* written on Monday * Today was a really happy day And there was no particular...
La la la, Office
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August 5, 2009
That’s one of the main topics i remember from our little office dinner...
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July 25, 2009
Up is coming out reallllllllll soon! Then Where The Wild Things Are Arcade...
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July 6, 2009
Nike invited me for an event (which is to take place this Thursday) and i...
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June 17, 2009
Samantha told me that new stuff had arrived in Baci, so i went to pick some...
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June 15, 2009
I saw this pic attached to a press release and went, “Awwwww, happy...