slutting it
Like• 3435
February 15, 2012
Bring your unwanted accessories/home deco/clothing/books to the Swap Party @...
Read article
Like• 3196
February 6, 2012
Just got back from Acheh and Pulau Weh and it was a FANTASTIC holiday. I think...
Like• 2810
January 29, 2012
Had a very social weekend and happily collapsed into the sofa on Sunday night...
Like• 3373
January 21, 2012
My dad texted me a few days ago asking whether everything was okay cos he...
La la la
Like• 2883
January 18, 2012
Just so there will be A LOT LESS PEOPLE AND CARS IN KL. The traffic has been...
Like• 4582
January 10, 2012
I got an email from a reader called Yueh on Friday, which prompted me to reply...
Like• 1860
December 31, 2011
I was sitting in my living room talking to Ash and Kanch, and as it sometimes...
Like• 1765
December 26, 2011
Christmas in KL has been absolutely lovely this year!!! My turkey turned out...
Like• 2905
December 22, 2011
There’s a 4kg turkey sitting in my fridge soaking in a concoction of...
Like• 12383
December 19, 2011
Last Friday was a big night for bloggers around Asia Pacific as they flew in to...
Like• 3744
December 14, 2011
R is for Red FM I had an afternoon radio interview with Red FM last week,...
Like• 3325
December 9, 2011
I get lots of emails from people asking me to post up letters, promos and...