The Color Run – the happiest 5k on the planet!

Comments (3) Health, Spiritual, Health & Develop

I never ever thought i’d get up at 4 am for a run.

I mean, if i think about it, i did go climb mountains all through the night before, so this is nothing?! With my hedonistic lifestyle for letting loose on weekends, waking up early on Sat or Sun just doesn’t happen. Except in my mind. Sometimes i imagine enthusiastically that i’ll wake up for a run on a weekend. Then day of, i end up sleeping at 4am the night prior. #oldhabitsdiehard #stilltrying #guessidontreallywantto #YET

The Color Run was admittedly a work thang. We coordinated the influencers who were promoting it, and Baby was away on her honeymoon (cos her Polish artist bf flew to this side of the world) so i went to represent.

Call time was at 6 am.
Cars were already lined up along Padang Merbok (near Jalan Parlimen) and my Grab had probs dropping me off cos the cops had closed many roads due to 3 runs going on that morning! I’m kinda glad to see how healthy the ppl of KL are!

6:30 am and i was the only one there waiting for everyone else to arrive…
As long as they turned up in time, i was happy HAHA.

The night before i’d gone to bed by 10 pm so i’d have ample rest for the run early next morn, and Good Vibes Fest the evening of the same day! I didn’t go to GVF on Sat cos i didn’t wanna tire myself out, plus the whole week was already crazy. I needed ONE DAY to rest!

Didi and Rengee went for GVF on Sat, slept at 2am Sat night, woke up at 5am on Sunday, went for TCR, then again for GVF the same day.

They are insane.


L: Didi, me, and Rengee
R: the KOLs we managed – Denise Chan, me, Jenn Chia, Zooey Oh

It was my first time meeting the 3 KOLs, and we’d only communicated on the phone/email so it was interesting for me to stand there and take in all their super excited 20-something year old energy. Wow we are really vibing on a diff frequency… i must have been like that in the past… but i’m not sure, i never was a morning person! Ever.


Pineapples do wake me up tho.


Thanks girls for being good sports!


Thanks Didi for this pic of me! What with all that powder glooped on our faces


The run is only 5km long, and it’s an untimed race so the point is just to have fun and get powdered with a diff colour at every 1km mark! There were 11,000 participants.


Amri, Didi and i


Tried taking a shot of these two and Denise was cleaning her face on her bf’s shirt at the most inappropriate place lol

Ok now i* have to run off, my meeting is here BYE

For more awesome pix, search #thecolorrun and #thecolorrunmy on IG. I found so many cool pix i thought of posting here but i don’t have time now!

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If you’re interested in fun runs, another one coming up is The Music Run

Event Details

Date: 4 November 2017Saturday
Venue: KL Sports City
Ticket Pricing: 

o   Standard Pack – 5k starts from RM80, 10k starts from RM105

o   Rock Star Pack – 5k starts from RM120, 10k starts from RM145

3 Responses to The Color Run – the happiest 5k on the planet!

  1. […] about Good Vibes Fest! After The Color Run on Sunday morning, i got back at 11am, showered, stuffed food into my mouth, took a short nap, […]

  2. Great post with quality pics! Seems like you may have missed the opportunity to save the shirt, but check out our blog post on how to preserve a color run tshirt! Can be a memorable piece to savor for years, for your future color run or your readers!

  3. holi colour says:

    Indeed the happiest and funniest 5k run in my life. I met different people with colour powder filled in their faces and clothes but having huge smiles on their face.

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