The year seems to have blurred right by
We did so many things yet they all seem like a quick exciting dream
Diving in African seas, climbing Kilimanjaro, Bon Iver in HK,
COUNTLESS good meals, sunsets and drinks…
Thank you for teaching me courage, patience, compassion, focus and resilience
Ok fine i’m still learning them all
haven’t got the hang of it yet
That’s cos you’re so good at it!
Sometimes i hope i’m not rubbing off bad on you
I worry about us and the future
which really irritates me cos i’m not a ‘worry-er’
There is so much i want to do with you!
And for you.
Thank you for an amazing one year
where you’ve given me unconditional love and attention
I hope there will be many more to come
More sunsets
More adventures
Hell, even more fights
I learn so many lessons from you that i never tell you about
Cos i never want to admit i’m wrong
But you always accept it anyway
I must have done something really good in my past lives.
congratulations on one year, you two ๐ Much love, K & S