I thought i was early at the Levi’s® Revel Roadshow one Saturday cos i got asked to go at 12 noon… and i went at 11:30am but i heard some readers were there promptly at 11am..! I’m so sorry i wasn’t there then Eek!
Steph came along with me and we had a nice girlie Saturday out <3
She went on to one of the many laptops Levi’s had to register herself, enter the contest and play the Levi’s® Revel in Revel game.
I didn’t even ask her to do it… she memang loves her denim.
Oh and she got pulled by the prizes for Levi’s® Revel in Revel… they’re all Revel Retreat holidays to Tokyo, Seoul and Bali & other great prizes for your best friends and you.
Kar Mun from Levi’s® Brand layaning.
Me layaning. Haha.
I love my Levi’s Revel! It feels like i’m wearing leggings except it’s denim.
Read my previous post about the best jeans i’ve ever worn *here*
Everytime people ask me what’s so special about Levi’s Revel, i immediately blurt “Liquid Shaping Technology”. It’s embedded in my memory now :p
I went to try the 360° picture booth, it’s so much faster than i imagined.
I put the results of the 360-pix on Instavid *here*
Turned around and saw Steph getting measured, she figured she might as well redeem as many points as she could at the roadshow!
Awww Stephy you’re so cute!!! *schmushes cheeks*
Daymn gurlll
Fahmi & Myra! Myra’s the editor for new online portal for chic mums – MakChic!
The Levi’s® Revel Roadshow is making its last stop:
13 – 17 Nov @ City Square, Johor Baru, Johor
I hope my Johor friends go check it out… i miss you all!!!
All info available on http://bit.ly/MYLevisRevel
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