I turned 30 today!

Comments (12) Birthdays

When i was in my early twenties, i dreaded having to one day have to have my age start with a number ‘3’. Funnily enough, the closer i got to turning 30, the more i anticipated it. Life was getting better the older i got!

I got to do things i loved more and more.
I discovered the importance of great relationships with my family and friends.
I started earning more money which i’d use to travel.

I think turning 30 will be a new chapter in my life which i’m going to love.

I know myself a bit better.
I know that money isn’t everything and that time with the people i love most in the world is more important than anything.
I know that i should worry less, and focus on every day more.
I know that even though i fear death, i am truly infinite and that my existence will continue on in another plane after this one.

Wow. That got really deep i don’t know where that came from.
Maybe i really am getting wiser with age! Haha ok i kid.

Going back to my birthday, i had a great birthday weekend! I really felt the love. I threw a party at Mezze9 last night, and booked the whole place from 6pm till… whatever time we had to leave. On the fb event page i wrote: “No presents, no cake, no speech, no fighting.” I didn’t want people to be pressured to get me a present, and i already have everything i want and need. Despite that, i still got lots of presents and notes and cards that really surprised me.

Even though i said 6pm, i ended up being late cos we couldn’t get a taxi (since Clem and i would both be drinking) and i forgot my laptop of music so we had to make the cabbie do a U-turn. Rudy la Faber whatsapped me at 6:20pm that i was late for my own party and i was like, “I KNOW! I’m sorry! I seem to be late for my own birthday every year!” Fail.

I forced myself to eat some pasta knowing i’d be drinking lots that night, and even interchanged wine with some glasses of water. Of course that system collapsed around 9pm when more people started coming. My parents came too! So they got to meet lots of my friends and remembered the old ones like Ash and Ben.

I remember Nur losing her phone, and worrying about it. She kept on looking for it and i realised if i didn’t do something, she’d be doing that all night. So i switched off the music, climbed unto a chair and asked everyone to please keep quiet while i called her phone. It was quite fabulous that everyone was so obedient and we could hear the phone ringing in the vicinity. You know how long it takes 100+ people to collectively look for a phone in a restaurant/bar? Very long. We kept on thinking it was upstairs, then it was downstairs, and we finally tracked it down to…. CLEM’S POCKET.


Seriously okay.

According to Clem, he was watching how Nur was handling her phone and almost dropping it on the floor so he basically told her she was dangerous, and that he should keep her phone. So he put it into his pocket for safety, and FORGOT ALL ABOUT IT. Then of course Nur in her drunkardness forgot about it too.

I was so drunk and happy that i cried when Joyce gave me a 1993 Polly Pocket. She must have read and remembered somewhere that i said i never had a Polly Pocket before. I was so touched that tears started streaming down my face and i hope i didn’t scare her. :p I was crying for happiness okay!

(ok i’m rushing this cos Clem wants to go to bed)

Oh yeah so party was great. Clem has been great too, he was the perfect boyfriend (besides taking people’s phones) and took me out for dinner on Friday night. Toward the end of our dinner he sprung an early birthday gift on me – which was a necklace with 3 diamonds. I was mostly touched because he took the effort to design it himself so i love it cos of that! Oh yeah and the 3 diamonds don’t hurt XD He also gave me 30 kisses all over my face (i love that feeling!) and i said he will have to continue this even when i turn 70. He replied, “It’s gonna be expensive for diamonds when you’re 70…” I didn’t even THINK that! I was talking about kisses okay!

I got lots of sweet messages that made me cry reading them… and i think it was so nice to have friends open their hearts about how much they love you on your birthday. It feels AWESOME!

Besides that, i really need to find out who gave me these presents cos they didn’t have tags! (Or i opened them when i was drunk and forgot) Can the givers please claim these gifts and message me to let me know it’s from you!? >>>ย a Charlotte Reid scarf, a crisp-maker, Moet, Cordon Bleu, and my little ponies.

Ok wanna go cuddle! It’s my birthday! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE!


12 Responses to I turned 30 today!

  1. Yasmin Yusuff says:

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY girlfriend!!!! Hope all your dreams come true and congratulations on turning 30! What a LOONG way you have yet to go on this journey called LIFE heh! OK you still owe me the curry laksa lunch date ok!! Hugs and kisses!!

  2. yishyeeeene says:


    Not long till you’ll be here and we can have Playtime together!! X

  3. JoyceTheFairy says:

    Yasmin: THANK YOU!!! Man… yeah we must go get a meal soon ok…


  4. Dear Joyce,

    Happy Birthday and may all your dreams come true! Looking forward to your birthday post.

  5. Ing Hui says:

    Happy belated birthday, gorgeous! Have fun being 30!

  6. Ginny Goh says:

    Happy belated birthday Joyce! ^^

  7. KY says:

    happy birthday joyce ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Hazel says:

    Happy Belated birthday!stay pretty and fun always

  9. ipohgal says:

    happy belated birthday miss sunshine!!!
    may ur days be full of joy n toys!
    n happy happy times!

  10. JoyceTheFairy says:

    Thank you for all the wishes! ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. Elsie says:

    Belated but better than never. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOYCE! 30s is a great age to be.

  12. wilson says:

    happy belated birthday joyce.. ๐Ÿ™‚

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