My Me Time Moment Music

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A few years ago, a good friend of mine – Tai Yong – had a great idea for a hang-out night. He suggested we each burn unto a CD songs that represent the soundtrack of our lives and listen to it while explaining why each song was so special. I recall having a hard time putting together the CD… because it’s difficult to choose only 17 tracks from hundreds of songs that represent so many different times of my life to me!

Nevertheless, it was a great way to know someone better, get introduced to new songs, and indulge in listening to music while doing nothing else – a privilege in this multi-tasking generation of ours. The ‘soundtrack of our lives’ activity is slightly different from the list of music i’m posting here today. The former consists of songs that played constantly during particular periods of my life, whereas the latter is going to be songs that i enjoy listening to by myself… alone… whether i’m happy or being emo.

I wanted to put songs from Jack Johnson but i associate all his songs with Clem cos we listen to his albums repeatedly while on every holiday we’ve ever been to.

I wanted to put particular party songs i listen to all the time while driving in the car… but they’re also in my SalahWrong playlist so it felt like i’ve shared those lots of times already.

This list of songs are special because… i associate them with myself. They’re songs i listen to many-a-time while alone and i never tire of them; whether i’m sitting at home alone nibbling on a bar of Dove chocolate staring out into space, burying my feet into the sand at a beach holiday, or reflecting how my day went exploring a foreign city alone.

[You can listen to them by clicking on the playlist that’s on the right sidebar.]

I’m so careful with my songs that i even have a backup iPod and x-mini speakers in case one kaputs or runs out of battery during holidays!

The Dove choc bar that’s in the picture are one of the new 80g pack ones. The hazelnut & raisin is my current favourite flavour at the moment. I love coming across the hazelnuts and raisins while going through the extra big bar of chocolate and spending time alone with myself.


The dark chocolate in the series has 66% cacao and is one of the smoothest dark chocolates i’ve had in a while! If you love yourself, i suggest getting a bar of Dove chocolate to enjoy slowly while listening to great Me Time songs. Incredibly therapeutic.


1. By Myself by Mousse T

I haven’t heard anyone or anywhere else play this song except ONE restaurant overseas, where my ears immediately perked up and was so delighted to be hearing it outside. The song was never directed at anyone for me, i just liked the chorus heaps! It’s just so free… like how she literally sings it out. To me its an anthem of independance and being happy to be by yourself. Which is probably why i play it when i’m alone so much – home, beach, holiday, driving. And usually with my arms waving in the air, dancing to it while sitting down and swaying.


2. Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson

I LOVE MJ. I actually cried when he died. This is my ultimate favourite song from him. I play it to myself all the time when i’m traveling and i find myself alone. I played it every other night while sitting on the kitchen counter in London, staring out the window. I played it on the balcony of the 5-star suite i stayed at with Kanch, singing it out loud alone to the skyline of Bangkok after i’ve had a great night out. I played it softly while was perched on the edge of the sailboat i was on in Southern France, watching the calm water lap against the boat’s sides as everyone lay inside asleep.

There’s just something about the song that makes me love it so goddamn much. It makes me appreciate what i have. It makes me want to be a better person. It ignites such HOPE in me that there is so much ahead to have a great life and to do it in a great way.


3. Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Ok this is an emo song for me. It’s something i listen to when i feel slightly sad. I sometimes don’t have a particular thing to be sad about, but once in a blue moon i’d get a bit down. My theory is that maybe cos i don’t often feel sad, sometimes all the little bits of sadness are collected into a few hours i just ALLOW myself to feel sad, just to get it outta my system. I hope i don’t sound whack to you. But trust me, this is a great song to sit down and feel emo to.


4. Sparks by Coldplay

I’m sure a lot of you know this song. It is the most EMO song i listen to all the time (ok i’m sorry i’m on all the emo + slow songs right now, but i promise happier ones come in at the end of the playlist, i wanted it to lift up at the end!) This song was at one point, my ultimate break up song. I’d listen to it and cry to myself in a corner and evaluate the former relationship like a deranged person. For years after that, i couldn’t hear the song outside my house without shedding a tear or two. But as the cliched truth goes, time heals, and i knew i was finally okay when i could listen to the song and feel completely calm and at peace.


5. Seoul by Amiina

This is actually a happy song though it doesn’t seem like it at the start. Okay i shouldn’t describe it as a happy song, it’s a happy lullaby. I discovered its magic while playing the album repeatedly in Bali. And this particular one just stuck out to me. First of all the weird ooh-ing sounds in the middle made me think of whales. And the sea. Then stars twinkling. It’s something i associate with reflection, cos i listen to it when i’ve party-tired myself out and i’d sit somewhere alone, stare out at the sea or grass, and float on it.


6. The Sea by Morcheeba

Oh man i’ve played this song to myself so many nights i can’t keep track anymore. I usually play it before going to bed – it makes me all chill and calm. It makes me feel safe and happy to be in bed. Seriously, try listening to this when you’re drifting off to sleep next time…


7. I Am, I Feel by Alisha’s Attic

Does anyone remember Alisha’s Attic?! The duo disbanded after an album or two, but i remember their music vids that played on MTV when i was 13. Back then music wasn’t as accessible to teens as it is now. We either heard it on the radio, watched it on MTV if we were lucky enough to have Astro in its first year, or listened to it on CDs. And really… as a teenager how many CDs can you afford? I heard this song so many times by myself just because a classmate lent me the single :p And up till now i still like it even though i admit it’s not the most mind-blowing song of the lot.


8. Collarbone by Fujiya & Miyagi

Thanks to Kubhaer for sending out this song on email sometime last year, it’s so deliciously funky that most friends who hear me playing it ask me who it is so they can get it too. My favourite part is at the end when they sing about which bones connect to which one. I always imagine unscary skeletons dancing to this song, teaching me about his bones and to memorize mine too.


9. Fidelity by Regina Spektor

This is my wake up song. I listen to it while i get ready for work, it’s a special melodic song that’s really chirpy. Sometimes i dance to it in the bathroom while i brush my teeth, and i cannot think of a better way to start the day. Doesn’t hurt that it’s fun to sing along to. I think i’ve memorized every note, though my physical singing capabilities can’t keep up with the song :p


10. A-Punk by Vampire Weeekend

THE song that gets me pumped up if i’m feeling a bit zzzz. Rudy introduced it to me a longggg time ago and he got emo i forgot he played it to me first -_- Ever since i saw Vampire Weekend live in UK last year, the song has had even more meaning for me. It reminds me of summer, sunshine, blue skies, kites, funny balloons, happy people dancing crazily… the way i do!  [i even took a quick vid of the atmosphere there, watch it *here*] I just felt so… elated when this song played live that i think it was one of the HAPPIEST moments in my life.

Ever since then i’ve always told myself that i MUST go back to Europe for summers to relive those emotions that i’ve never managed to experience in Asia! If you’ve not heard this song before, you HAVE to add it to your playlist. It’s the perfect perky song to dance as stupid and mad as you want and CAN.


I hope you liked my compilation! I know some of the songs are quite emo but hey, that’s the honest stuff i listen to when by myself…

Tell me some of your favourite Me Time songs please! I love discovering new music, and sometimes a real gem to my heart is stumbled upon thanks to word of mouth.



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