Crybaby sick

Comments (4) Emo

Oh god i’ve been crying at every small thing.
I watched Bio channel and i cry.
I watched E! News and i cried at some drama -_-
I watched The Kardashians and cried -_-

The Kardashians get wayyy to much airtime btw (yes, i’ve been stuck at home for 3 days watching Astro cos i get dizzy just walking around).

Think it would have been more appropriate that i cry at how many ads Astro puts during all the shows,
advertising other channels and shows.
What’s the point of cable TV/Astro!?
Admittedly, i don’t watch much TV, i think it’s a waste of time.
But at sick points of being holed up at home like this, i turn to it only to be reminded why i don’t watch Astro.
So many ads.
I’ve rewatched ads so many times i’ve memorized it.
I don’t remember Astro being like this when i was a teen.
Cable TV in Malaysia was a marvel back then!
With no ads as promised.

Now the only thing i can depend on with minimal ads is the Opus channel.

And even that makes me cry cos some songs are so beautiful. -_-

Oh god i forgot how emotional meds get me!

4 Responses to Crybaby sick

  1. Adrina says:

    Get well soon fairy ๐Ÿ™‚ Take care!

  2. siti says:

    take care to read your blog especially your travel experience.

  3. Memer says:

    I love watching The Kardashians ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. January says:

    I cry when I’m sick too! I don’t know why… Hope you feel better soon Joyce!

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