Bring Out That Little Black Dress

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We all swear to our little black dresses.
Hell, i have about 15 in my closet.

At times, we don’t want to dress up in them cos it seems the occasion isn’t right, or you want a bit more colour to flash.

Well this Sunday is the PERFECT excuse to pull on your favourite LBD again.

For all fashionistas, get with your girlies, dress up, make up and come to Chic CODE’s last event.
Chic Code: Little Black Dress

Roxy of sevendays and Nurita Harith will be displaying some of their best LBDs for sale there, first come first serve! SarChan and i will be preparing a selection to play (party on Sunday afternoon!) and i’m planning to go all happy crazy… cos Monday’s a public holiday! Hope to see you there ๐Ÿ˜‰


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