Streamyx Combo

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IRC, ICQ… man, those were the days everyone was mostly still on a dial-up connection.
In this day and time when the Internet is of such necessary importance (for work, research, procrastinating work, news, blogs, vids, the list is endless) i cannot fathom how anyone makes do with a dial-up connection.

In fact, if you do use dial-up connection, don’t tell me.
Or anyone else for that matter.
It’s best things like this are kept to yourself.
Sort of how bizarre habits are.

I can give you three reasons straight up why dial-up is a service of extinction.

1. Unlimited Use

You pay a flat rate every month with broadband.
Hence there is no limit on how much/long you use the internet a month.
You could keep your pc online 24/7 for all we care and only have to suffer your electricity bills, be it for webcam surveillance (tho i must ask, what *are* you exhibiting/spying on!?) or continuous download while you’re out.

2. Savings

As above, you don’t have to worry about how long you are online. Read: total opposite of how i am when i’m online in some cyber cafe overseas and counting the minutes and ringgit spent *being* online. Stress.

3. Speed

Of the utmost importance.
Time is of essence.
And time spent waiting for something to download is gone a-wasting, when you could have it completed in a shorter span instead of sitting there staring at a screen, tap-tap-tapping your fingers away.
If you just moved, or merely don’t have broadband (unthinkable!), TM @ just started a new unbeatable Streamyx promotion that you can latch unto.


Look, they have a nasi lemak version too. Too cute.


All you have to pay as an entry into the Streamyx Combo is RM60.
That’s right.
Want me to type it again (just like how you have to retype passwords)?


For RM60 (sorry, got addicted to typing it), you get 384kbps with a modem, including fixed line rental.

So you can go for the RM60 package la la la (i’m not even going to refer to it as any other name as c’mon, we look at how much this is going to cost us first) and should you want to go for further deals (this is where it’s difficult to keep to your plot)…

For an additional RM28, you get to make unlimited local calls and STD (F2F) from that line.
This doesn’t include calls to mobile phones. We’re not going to lie to you here. Calls to mobile numbers will cost you RM0.25/min. Beat that!

Should you want to improve your speed, you just have to add RM30 (upon the initial RM60, forget about that RM28 i just mentioned) for 512kbps speed and a monthly fee of RM90.

That means for you just pay RM90 (RM60 + RM30) to get everything going.
(refer to red box in chart below)
And if you want your Internet faster, it’s RM110 (RM60 + RM50) for 1Mbps.

So on and so forth:

Streamyx Combo

By doing this, you get Streamyx + a fixed line = a cheaper rate; because you don’t have to pay rental for fixed lines anymore.

What if you already have a fixed line?
No problem.
This promotion is applicable to fixed line owners or new fixed line applicants.

Did you read that part about the modem being provided, correctly?
Absolutely. All Streamyx COMBO packages come with free modem.

Are you sure there’s nothing else we need to pay?
We’re not hiding anything here. An RM75 activation fee will be charged in your first bill of your Streamyx package.
I have no idea why you’re still reading this (should you not have broadband already) and check out the rest of the details here


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Streamyx Combo

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