
Comments (3) Party

My cousins have broken my track record for avoiding Velvet on Saturday nights.
We had a huge three-table Chinese family dinner (minus sharks fin!) before them plonking me with the responsibility of taking them out.


They insisted on R&B.
I said indie or house was so much more cooler.
They insisted on R&B again.
I whined and said R&B not cool.

Majority wins.

I called PassedOutBen, “My cousins really want to go for R&B tonight, where ar?”
“The answer is obvious. Velvet la. It’s the best place to go.”
Here, coming from the man who condemned Velvet to all people slutty.
“I can’t believe you just said that…”
“Luckily no recorder right!”
“Got blog.”
“Oi, don’t play wei friend.”


Velvet, Zouk
Cousins’ boyfriends: Mok and Su.

Me to Su who’s standing patiently at bar while gf is dancing away: You’re so patient man. You’re just standing here… waiting!
Su: I’m thinking about donuts.
Me: What?! HAhaha!
Su: Yeah, that’s the best way to pass time.
Me: Hahahaha!!
Su: Donutssssss


Velvet, Zouk
Bruce, SmallMinkyMin’s friend.
I’m not sure whether he’s officially in the Wong’s Boyfriends’ Club.
Velvet, Zouk

Ho ho… these two were the funniest!

SmallsMinkyMin was dancing like a wild little firecracker to which i observed in amusement.
Was i like that when i was her age?
Do i look like that when i dance?
She shot and skipped around the area, dancing and going nuts!
I did see some similarity in the way we party and vowed to bring her for Lap Sap.
She’s so lap sap!
Most people sorta mouth the lyrics to songs as they dance, so as to (perhaps) look cool.
She just SHOUTS them out loud cos she actually knows them by heart, word for word.
Just watching her made me grin and dance more.
Crazy little party girl.

Then you have QueenKanch.
One of the most maintain dancers you have around.
A little boogie here, a pop of the hip bone there.
Swing the hair a bit, look down coyly.
Shake. Shake, shake the shoulders, but not too much.

You know what i mean. Laughing

So, put the LEAST maintained person (read: Smalls) grabbing at the MOST maintained person (read: Kanch) with Smalls going, “Dance with me! Dance! Yeahhh!!!” and you got me laughing and shaking my head at the irony – of Kanch trying not to look like a spoilsport and dance, yet not being able to keep up with the little tornado that is Smalls.

Oh, lagi best was when the talented Reza Salleh came up to say hi.
“Oh my god. What are you doing here?” *thinking this is so not his scene*

I introduced him to Smalls, to which she screamed, “Reza Salleh! I LOVE your show!” and promptly flung her arms around him, much to his surprise (tho i’m pretty sure he was chuffed).

Then she took a picture with him hee hee.
Reza, Reza… we really ought to discuss your fan club…

Velvet, Zouk
Wai Ling, my cousin from Spore, and my brother NickIsTaller.

Velvet, Zouk
ProGermanAaron, me, Looney

The cocktail-concocting gang flown in by BAT Horeca went to Velvet too.
They kept on screaming, “Spartacus!” to which i didn’t get the joke -_-
I was like, “Eh… you’re going to move back to wherever in a few months but i still live here okay! *malu*”

Velvet, Zouk

Velvet, Zouk
Benny, Johan, Beth (told the boys she got the lesbian vibe off me -_-), Laurent

They said i’m too short,

Velvet, Zouk

So they hoisted me up on Benny’s shoulders…

Velvet, Zouk

Johan’s covering Benny’s eyes cos he said, “I don’t have my sunglasses!”

I was trying (i say trying, cos it tak jadi) to after-party with them.
But i was so not in the same zone… we went to check Frangi’s out, it was closing, they were still high, and i was… not.
They said to drink some more at the suite till morning.
I was just thinking about my bed.
So i got my brother to tapau me porridge, pick me up and went home.


3 Responses to Welwet

  1. Rachy says:

    haha, i suppose this is a cover-up post for ur cheng beng ! LOL, how come YOU tend to know all the coolest ppl around (trying hard not to sound too bodek) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. tom says:

    whoa! the “The cocktail-concocting gang” was so kewl.. so as you.. ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. […] Okay *found it*! They’re fucking mad and i actually missed having such crazy ppl around when they were sent back to Europe. […]

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