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August 4, 2004
The Sleeping Editioncourtesy of my handphone I went for lunch with Kok Yew. We...
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The L Word Taking a break, i watched the first episode of ‘The L...
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August 3, 2004
Nationclick if you’re queer An msn conversation. At 1 am. In that exact...
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What’s With The Camel? Kelvin, Mary and i are online. Kelv is pissed as...
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August 2, 2004
My first thought… …this morning, was ‘Walau… Like that...
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I feel like passing out now. I want to pass out now. I might just do that....
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oh yAY!!! I have the Home On The Range dvd. I shall force the slut to...
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August 1, 2004
Since i was MIA at Revelation 2004, i went to Ivan’s site to see what i...
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July 31, 2004
i want 475!!! Great. Just great.I ran out of Pantone 475-T....
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My sleeping schedule is all wonky. Which i expected at this time of the the...
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Everyone’s partying and i’m… hibernating. I totally collapsed...
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July 30, 2004
I had a talk with myself today I’m all TENSE Why.Because i’m not...