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August 11, 2004
Last Sunday Nite… This is the gf posse. This is the gf posse of my...
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August 10, 2004
Erh… I just went on the MyLittlePony website. And was colouring pony pics...
Like• 914
August 9, 2004
The dentist says my teeth are moving awfully fast. Which is good – i will...
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You fucking litterers! Is it intentional or WHAT?! Just when i blog about...
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Pics from another day… I’m so good at forgetting about pictures i...
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August 8, 2004
yay i got massively drunk on saturday night. massive. to. the. max. i went to...
Like• 1345
August 7, 2004
At Strawberry Fields… Sometimes we go to Strawberry Fields to eat....
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August 6, 2004
7:39 on a saturday morn I went to the fridge to get some water and oh. my. god....
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August 5, 2004
update at 5am : *wow*I’m such a jackoon. I adore the cool-as-fuck...
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It’s My Daddy’s Birthday! I just had cold milk with butter cookies...
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Pontianak Ashley I took this pic of Ash. It’s too cool to noT put up. And...
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**i shall be leaving this post at the top of page for some time so pls scroll...