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November 26, 2008
Okay, don’t all iffy about colour coordination wtih me, The reason the...
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Like• 1403
November 19, 2008
Again, this is going to be a purely-text post Cos i’m pooped Went for...
Like• 2442
November 15, 2008
Despite people thinking i read blogs… i really don’t read that many...
Like• 2992
November 14, 2008
Because right, they call me at 1pm on a Monday, asking me to go out to drink...
Like• 2861
November 3, 2008
The cruise ship is almost empty, which is what RowdyRudy and i LOVE. Absolutely...
Like• 1980
October 31, 2008
till i’m surrounded by ocean, big sky and dropping by four destinations....
Like• 1333
October 9, 2008
Sorry i’ve been really busy = insane lack of sleep + much coffee Give me...
Like• 2168
October 2, 2008
It’s a late wish but a sincere one nevertheless! Damn, want to write...
Like• 1387
September 19, 2008
Oh i did that thing again The one where i pack super last minute and THROW...
Like• 2263
September 18, 2008
You know what will happen in less than 36 hours? Less than 36 hours, i will be...
Like• 2536
September 15, 2008
Trust me to be your friend. Trust me to laugh at your jokes. Trust me to cry...
Like• 1957
September 5, 2008
I was standing in the office garden with SarChan and Callen. Sometimes SarChan...