Like• 1821
June 1, 2004
Spoilt me? Why do i get comments that i’m a spoilt brat?I get an...
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Like• 1617
May 31, 2004
Penny for my thoughtsFeeling a tad depressed today. Not particularly today.Just...
Like• 1589
Wine on Monday Afternoon I had lunch with Kok Yew in Yoshinoya.I had lunch with...
Like• 1641
May 30, 2004
After-Weekend Ponderings La di da… i’m back home again after my...
Like• 1986
May 28, 2004
Joyce’s Thursday I had an eventful Thursday. I had class from 2-4 pm....
Like• 2200
May 26, 2004
Pics at Corsten: YAY! I haven’t been this pooped in ages. I went for a...
Like• 2086
Rush rush rush. So many things to do. Yesterday i had a lotta individual yam...
Like• 2042
May 24, 2004
omg.can you just SEE how ppl PLAGIARISE my writing?! i don’t know whether...
Like• 1618
Happy happy joy joy! I’m having a happy marvelous Monday. I know most...
Like• 1130
May 23, 2004
Mooky doesn’t like duck I shall try to stop typing up posts when...
Like• 1453
May 22, 2004
me is tipysy. ubt all is good cos aaron is here now and i have to bather before...
Like• 1675
May 21, 2004
I have social disease. I must go out every...