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September 16, 2005
hgj What’s With The Bullshit Airkissing Seven Often...
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Exactly a year ago, Joyce got jealous of a 4-year-old Crazy-like! I...
Like• 1287
September 14, 2005
Just when i though that most of my work is done and it’s...
Like• 798
20 Exactly a year ago, Joyce got burnt...
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17 Exactly a year ago, Joyce went for a job interview gfh...
Like• 739
Exactly a year ago, Joyce was in denial hgj...
Like• 718
Exactly a year ago, Joyce got jealous of a 4-year-old l...
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Exactly one year ago, Joyce got pissed off at dumbass government workers 95.8...
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September 13, 2005
Happy Birthday AzwinAndy!!! You’re one of my older friends who’s...
Like• 1359
September 12, 2005
Tiff Outside My House I woke up bright and early on Monday morning to hype...
Like• 757
September 11, 2005
I woke up bright and early on Monday morning to hype myself up for workHumming...
Like• 1321
September 10, 2005
Rock My (Steam)Boat Waiting for AdamPoserPan to pick my brother NickIsTaller...