Tuesday June 6, 2006

Comments (44) Uncategorized

Exactly two years ago, everyone was giving Joyce shit about… her attempts at cleaning her room

So ironic that just yesterday, i was cleaning the apartment and grumbling away to myself
What the hell… what’s this painting and mat doing on the floor here… bring to the new apartment for what, might as well throw away… so it’s going to be a permanent feature here la now
Then after five seconds
Oh my god. I sound like my parents. Since when do i say ‘permanent feature’?!
And lo and behold, it’s in the post above 0_o

Finally. About The Protest…

… that i blogged about (well, the beginning of it anyway) *here*

Plagiarised from Katagender 

On 2 August 2003, Ooi Kean Thong (24) and Siow Ai Wei (22) were accused of “indecent behaviour” at the KLCC park.

They lodged a report against the two DBKL officers who allegedly issued them with a summons after they refused to bribe them. Not only that, the challenged the city council’s authority to enact such “morality laws”.

On 4 April 2006, the Federal Court ruled that the KL City Hall had the authority to enact bylaws to prosecute people for indecent public behaviour.

Worried that tourists will stop visiting our country because of such openly ridiculous policing of private behavior, the Mayor of KL hastily reassured the BBC on the very next day, that this will not apply to tourists.

Meanwhile, Ooi and Siow will have to defend themselves against the charge of indecent behaviour.

Where do you stand?

Come to the hearing and show your support to Siow and Ooi’s courageous stance. KataGender (katagender.blogspot.com) is organising a visual statement on the day. Join us as we hold hands and state your thoughts.

Please wear a white or plain coloured t-shirt and bring marker pens, cardboard, and your friends.

The night before i dug through my clothes and found white tops…
With ridiculous pictures (a deer?) or inappropriate words on them
I finally managed to dig out a non-slutty simple white one heh

I thought i was late cos Lainie said they’d be meeting up at 8:15-8:30 am
At 8:23 am i smsed her, “Don’t leave without me! I’m TWO stations away!”
She replied that everyone wasn’t even there yet


So we stood around and waited… and i contemplated running off to buy a yummy brekkie from McD’s or Burger King that (i swear) were waving me to go in

Listening to Soul Sound from Sugababes, long time no hear

So lazy to write about the beginning parts
In the end the court case was postponed to the 18th (which falls on a Sunday so we’re not sure 0_o )

Cacatnya… wake up so early, stand around in the hot sun, try not to think of food…
And you tell me they postponed it?!

Jac said we’re going ahead with it anyway so we prepared for it by writing things on cardboard thought bubbles and pinning cloth images onto ourselves
I didn’t get to take many pictures (only three to be exact) cos i was protester and not photographer for the day

So… i stole some pictures off the ones that *were* there

More pics from Ezrena Marwan*here*

My handwriting is on the board 
So now you know what fairywriting looks like 

I have no idea what the board with the chinese words say *shameful*
Can you see how HOT it was? *pant*

Don’t i look like a horribly sweaty boy in the picture?
I do! I do!

AsyrafLee was also there snapping away
Unfortunately, he hasn’t posted any pics of the protest on his blog yet

We were to walk holding hands in twos in KLCC

Apparently the cops can’t arrest us for being in twos because only three people and above are considered an illegal gathering
Can you imagine if two people = considered ‘illegal gathering’ though? Then there’d be illegal gatherings everywhere (scandals) haha

So i paired up with Lainie
“Let me guess. You asked me to come for this protest so you could hold hands with me and walk around right,” i joked
“Yup! Ambil kesempatan!came her jolly reply

We walked from Titiwangsa and took the StarLRT to Bukit Nanas (near Concorde Hotel) and from there walked to KLCC. In the hot sun.
I admit having a SuperPrincess thought for a split second when i heard we’d be walking so much in the sun – Shit didn’t bring my sunblock


We were separated unto different floors in the mall
We simply picked the first floor cos Lainie has relatives’ restaurants on the fourth
So layan la, whatever floor is fine with me

KLueShermen was taking pictures
“Which floor are you going to?”
“First floor.”
“Oh… the expensive floor,” he jested
“… -_-‘ …. No! It’s because…” then i made a lame attempt to redeem myself from this image of SpoiltBratness

I don’t understand
I buy cheap clothes, you hear me?
And yeah i spend money on alcohol and shopping but that’s where my money goes besides bills!
Full stop.

Jeez see how i diverted from the main topic again

Statement courtesy of Katagender

We are here because…

  • we want to show our support to Siow Ai Wei and Ooi Kean Thong;
  • we applaud their courageous stance and resolve in retaining their right to self-determination, especially on something as private as the demonstration of affection;
  • we believe that holding hands, or even kissing, does not constitute “indecent behaviour”;

  • we deem that excessive and intrusive control of individual behaviour by the State, particularly under the guise of ‘morality’, is unacceptable;
  • we think that we, as civic-conscious individuals, have the capacity to judge for ourselves, whether or not our behaviour will offend others around us;
  • we reject laws that validate and enable voyeuristic behaviour by officials in power, or the potential for private individuals to ‘spy’ and ‘tell’ on each other – such laws encourage an environment of mutual suspicion and mistrust, and is gravely damaging to social relations;

  • we do not accept the broad, careless and simplistic strokes made by some Members of the Parliament and the judiciary on what constitutes ‘Asian’ or ‘Western’ cultural values – norms, culture and values are ‘living’ concepts that are constantly being developed, redefined and reinterpreted;
  • we hold that openness, tolerance and acceptance of diversity and difference is fundamental to a peaceful and strong nation – particularly for Malaysia where there are multiple and fluid ethnicities, as well as cultural values, norms and practices;
  • we call for a focus of government resources, energy and attention on more substantive issues that are faced by people in this country, such as poverty, sexism, identity- based discrimination and violence, displacement, quality education, environmental sustainability, good governance and corruption.

I was seriously hungry
when they distributed the flowers to us to give away
At one point, i was stoning and staring at the yellow pretties, thinking to myself
“I wonder what flowers taste like…” before feeling like a cow and shaking the thought off

la la la Lainie and me walked through the first floor and gave out flowers to people who answered ‘no’ to our question of “Do you think it’s wrong for couples to hold hands in public?” and then explained our purpose of walking around like two dungus with cloth and signs on ourselves giving out flowers

I mean, in movies, only crazy people give out flowers to strangers

I realised that some people were getting the message wrong after awhile and started rewording my sentences

Scenario –

“Hi, do you think it’s wrong for couples to hold hands in public?” i asked a stranger
She stared at big shy lesbian friend and me holding hands
Her eyes widen. No, she shakes her head
I sigh inwardly, okay, this is lari-ing topic also, she probably thinks we’re promoting homosexuality which i would but we’re not today

So i said the same sentence but added “… like for instance, your boyfriend and you?”

I told Lainie my bright idea
(ok not so very bright but a proper plan at any rate)

“Okay, you know what, i’ll approach them since you’re so shy and start off with the question on whether they support couples who hold hands, then if they say ‘yes’ i’ll give them the flower and then you tell them the purpose of us doing this. Okay?”

I glance at her and the woman is spacing out: “… huh?”

Oh my god she didn’t get a single word out of the long sentence i just chirped

“What the hell! Your attention span seriously cannot make it, woman!!!”

After we finished giving out our flowers, we stood at the top of the escalator by Chinoz and waited for the others

Still having the cloth signs attached to us, holding hands and the cardboard sign, we started yapping about bloggers and how we think some bloggers are so lame as to only hang out with bloggers and not seem to have a life or any other friends

But anyway i think people mispercept other people from their blogs
So many people read my blog and think they like me.
How DO YOU KNOW whether you like me or not?
I could be a real evil bitch to you when i finally meet you.
I’m not always happy so you cannot expect me to be bouncing around like how i seemingly am in my writing.
I’m not always drinking so people PISS ME OFF ROYALLY when they think i’m always drunk when they see me.

Then we were talking about bloggers and their blogs which we like and dislike.

Like see, there’s a blog i actually liked. And i spoke to the person on MSN and all. But when i finally met them, i get sorely disappointed cos they’re nothing like how i imagined them to be. I couldn’t click with them one bit.

And from another angle, there’s this person i loathe. But i love reading their blog.

So how?

As we were talking all this, we realised how contradictory we were being,
“Eh. You do realise we’re bitching about bloggers meeting other bloggers… but here we are, holding hands in the middle of KLCC right…”

We’re such hypocritical bitches :p

The next day, AdamPoserPan said there was a picture of me in The Sun
What he meant was there was a picture of my skinny fingers and favourite day bag

Damn recognisable la that bag… i carry it ALL THE TIME with me
Like got no other bag liddat -_-

Even though the court case was delayed, it was all good
Cos the protest got some case coverage from various media
And enlightening even one person in KLCC is a start for it to spread to others, no?


Before i blogged about this, so did –

Photos stolen from –
*Asyraf Lee*
*Ezrena Marwan*

More info and pictures at

44 Responses to Tuesday June 6, 2006

  1. fuzzynerd says:

    Chinese translation: Tell me how to love?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Chinese translation: Tell me how to love?

  3. nightstar says:

    Yea was wondering what the protest was about … wow should’ve told me i would’ve joined you crazy people and pass out flowers hehhehe SO FLOWER POWER! ;P   


  4. Anonymous says:

    Yea was wondering what the protest was about … wow should’ve told me i would’ve joined you crazy people and pass out flowers hehhehe SO FLOWER POWER! ;P   


  5. hamster143 says:

    Fairy out in protest!! Have to support wei!! but i didn’t know fairies like to eat sunflowers! hahah.. how could you be so hungry till you felt like munching the sunny looking flower.. hahahhah.. tak tahan!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Fairy out in protest!! Have to support wei!! but i didn’t know fairies like to eat sunflowers! hahah.. how could you be so hungry till you felt like munching the sunny looking flower.. hahahhah.. tak tahan!

  7. j0sh_w says:

    Postponed lah.

    And I can’t imagine you loathing anyone.

    In any case, this whole thing reeks of such sheer stupidity it baffles the mind. So we as citizens are bound to a different set of laws than the tourists that come to visit? Does this mean that these tourists can engage in full-on sex in public just because the Mayor says that the morality laws don’t apply to them?

    C’mon. The Mayor clearly recognises the magnitude of close-mindedness behind this whole issue, otherwise there wouldn’t have been that BBC thing. But of course, we all know how much power he wields.

    In any case, it’s pretty clear that holding hands is not okay, but paying your way out of it is, and that corruption makes the (Malaysian) world go round. Ah well.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Postponed lah.

    And I can’t imagine you loathing anyone.

    In any case, this whole thing reeks of such sheer stupidity it baffles the mind. So we as citizens are bound to a different set of laws than the tourists that come to visit? Does this mean that these tourists can engage in full-on sex in public just because the Mayor says that the morality laws don’t apply to them?

    C’mon. The Mayor clearly recognises the magnitude of close-mindedness behind this whole issue, otherwise there wouldn’t have been that BBC thing. But of course, we all know how much power he wields.

    In any case, it’s pretty clear that holding hands is not okay, but paying your way out of it is, and that corruption makes the (Malaysian) world go round. Ah well.

  9. Ezrena Marwan is my cousin’s good friend.

    I saw her site, and sure enough, there was my cousin’s face under the ‘Friends’ portraits.


  10. Anonymous says:

    Ezrena Marwan is my cousin’s good friend.

    I saw her site, and sure enough, there was my cousin’s face under the ‘Friends’ portraits.


  11. WTF is wrong with our damn retarded country? seriously. i didn’t know anything bout this whole morality law bullshit til i read ur post.

    we need a psychotic hero like v for vendetta to blow up the country’s screwed up socio structure. he’s my hero!!

    ps- on the bright side, hot day = tan!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    WTF is wrong with our damn retarded country? seriously. i didn’t know anything bout this whole morality law bullshit til i read ur post.

    we need a psychotic hero like v for vendetta to blow up the country’s screwed up socio structure. he’s my hero!!

    ps- on the bright side, hot day = tan!!

  13. lainieyeoh says:

    hwaliao. you screencapped ez’s photos ah? bersemangat. hah…she has some real nice photos there. and some funny ones, like, of signs. and bare butts.

    sorry i wasn’t listening, but at least i’m quite fair, do it to everyone yeah.
    just cause i ambik kesempatan, you tell the whole world? -_-” (but actually i said as much on mine).

    i thought it was ironic when they were asking if anyone knew reza cause they were considering the moonshine open mic thing – esp since reza was on the phone with you, asking you to take photos that night.

    no need psychotic hero so extremelah. got hindustani poster girl and her friends….hahahhaha. never mind. dont give her ideas, i want kino to stick around.

  14. Anonymous says:

    hwaliao. you screencapped ez’s photos ah? bersemangat. hah…she has some real nice photos there. and some funny ones, like, of signs. and bare butts.

    sorry i wasn’t listening, but at least i’m quite fair, do it to everyone yeah.
    just cause i ambik kesempatan, you tell the whole world? -_-” (but actually i said as much on mine).

    i thought it was ironic when they were asking if anyone knew reza cause they were considering the moonshine open mic thing – esp since reza was on the phone with you, asking you to take photos that night.

    no need psychotic hero so extremelah. got hindustani poster girl and her friends….hahahhaha. never mind. dont give her ideas, i want kino to stick around.

  15. SqueekyHsu says:

    cooooool i would’ve gone if i were back home! this stupid policy about no canoodling/kissing/holding hands/ pak toh *i mean wtf?!* we’re human for god’s sake… and after all i have always pondered upon malaysia’s meaning of ‘democratic’ yeah right wipe my ass that is!

  16. Anonymous says:

    cooooool i would’ve gone if i were back home! this stupid policy about no canoodling/kissing/holding hands/ pak toh *i mean wtf?!* we’re human for god’s sake… and after all i have always pondered upon malaysia’s meaning of ‘democratic’ yeah right wipe my ass that is!

  17. LucidDr3amer says:

    *sigh* What to do? A couple of overmoralistic “citizens” in the right ( or wrong) place and this is the kind of nonsense they cook up. Kudos to the couple for standing up for their rights and to the protestors for trying to get the message across.

  18. Anonymous says:

    *sigh* What to do? A couple of overmoralistic “citizens” in the right ( or wrong) place and this is the kind of nonsense they cook up. Kudos to the couple for standing up for their rights and to the protestors for trying to get the message across.

  19. OMG u damn semangat go screencap ezrena’s pics right??? -_-“”

    er… just kidding ’bout ur drinking yo, jgnlah marah ye bidadari molek?

    don’t zap me! go zap someone else! *points at lainie*


  20. Anonymous says:

    OMG u damn semangat go screencap ezrena’s pics right??? -_-“”

    er… just kidding ’bout ur drinking yo, jgnlah marah ye bidadari molek?

    don’t zap me! go zap someone else! *points at lainie*


  21. lainieyeoh says:

    zap me zap me!

  22. Anonymous says:

    zap me zap me!

  23. AsyrafLee says:

    Will update my blog soon, when I’m done editing photos for my clients T_T

  24. Anonymous says:

    Will update my blog soon, when I’m done editing photos for my clients T_T

  25. albnok says:

    LOL to “we think some bloggers are so lame as to only hang out with bloggers and not seem to have a life or any other friends”. I thought I was the only one who thought that. Same for those who don’t have any… other links.

  26. Anonymous says:

    LOL to “we think some bloggers are so lame as to only hang out with bloggers and not seem to have a life or any other friends”. I thought I was the only one who thought that. Same for those who don’t have any… other links.

  27. wildwildGals says:

    Hi..Nice photo. What model of camera you use?

  28. Anonymous says:

    Hi..Nice photo. What model of camera you use?

  29. placid26 says:

    If my chinese isn’t too far off, it’s “Tell me how to make love” (sic).

    It’s just some coppers with too much time on their hands, jealousy and wanting some ‘kopi wang’ (did I phrase that correct?)

    Besides, if China could tolerate it, why can’t a more educated and developed country (debateable but that’s another story for another time), accept it?

    Tourists should not be subjected to a different set of laws. If that was the case, we would have a lot of cheap German porn shows happening all over the place. Talk about double standards.

  30. Anonymous says:

    If my chinese isn’t too far off, it’s “Tell me how to make love” (sic).

    It’s just some coppers with too much time on their hands, jealousy and wanting some ‘kopi wang’ (did I phrase that correct?)

    Besides, if China could tolerate it, why can’t a more educated and developed country (debateable but that’s another story for another time), accept it?

    Tourists should not be subjected to a different set of laws. If that was the case, we would have a lot of cheap German porn shows happening all over the place. Talk about double standards.

  31. wait till you hear about the bloggers who complain that they don’t have any blogger friends and compares it to their kesian high school social life.

  32. Anonymous says:

    wait till you hear about the bloggers who complain that they don’t have any blogger friends and compares it to their kesian high school social life.

  33. lainie… slut…. -_-

  34. Anonymous says:

    lainie… slut…. -_-

  35. fuzzynerd: hey nice profile pic!

    nightstar: haha yeah i heard someone chanting ‘flower power’ too

    cheehooi: hmm long time haven’t seen you around. what have you up to?! buayaing? haha

    Josh: oh yeah, postPONED heh.

    devil_undercover: i don’t actually know her.. just know that i stole her photos!

    forbidden_myth: i don’t tan my dear… i go black 0_o

    lainie: semangat? not so difficult wut… :p but i had a blast, thanks for asking me along 😉

    Cyn: yup, the couple definitely took a lot of efforts and guts going through all this

    cheneille: what’s molek 0_o

    lainie: “zap me zap me!” -_-

    asyraflee: haha coolios

    albert: haha

    wildwildgals: er… didn’t i write that i *didn’t* take the photos… 0_o

    jayelle: Lol, takkan so cacat!

    Kev: Eh don’t blar lainie la

  36. Anonymous says:

    fuzzynerd: hey nice profile pic!

    nightstar: haha yeah i heard someone chanting ‘flower power’ too

    cheehooi: hmm long time haven’t seen you around. what have you up to?! buayaing? haha

    Josh: oh yeah, postPONED heh.

    devil_undercover: i don’t actually know her.. just know that i stole her photos!

    forbidden_myth: i don’t tan my dear… i go black 0_o

    lainie: semangat? not so difficult wut… :p but i had a blast, thanks for asking me along 😉

    Cyn: yup, the couple definitely took a lot of efforts and guts going through all this

    cheneille: what’s molek 0_o

    lainie: “zap me zap me!” -_-

    asyraflee: haha coolios

    albert: haha

    wildwildgals: er… didn’t i write that i *didn’t* take the photos… 0_o

    jayelle: Lol, takkan so cacat!

    Kev: Eh don’t blar lainie la

  37. omG! papa beard has made me undeniably pudgier here! dammit. y did they have to open in kl. -_-

  38. Anonymous says:

    omG! papa beard has made me undeniably pudgier here! dammit. y did they have to open in kl. -_-

  39. hee hee kanch thinks i’m psycho, always stuffing my face with papa beard. but eh, seriously lor, noone buys it here. they even have discount ash! like, three for ten bucks haha!!!

  40. Anonymous says:

    hee hee kanch thinks i’m psycho, always stuffing my face with papa beard. but eh, seriously lor, noone buys it here. they even have discount ash! like, three for ten bucks haha!!!

  41. -_-“

    molek means small and cute lahhh.

    ur bm damn cannot make it dot com adoii

  42. Anonymous says:


    molek means small and cute lahhh.

    ur bm damn cannot make it dot com adoii

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