Monday June 26, 2006

Comments (39) Uncategorized

Shitload Of Pictures

I hate it when i edit pictures halfway, then suddenly i have something else more important to do or somewhere to go, then don’t end up posting them

This was last Friday 16th June for the I Am Fabulous event

QueenKanch went nuts over the choc-covered strawberries 

I went with four friends whom i hold dear to me but all don’t really know each other
RyanMukati, QueenKanch, SuckBallLouis and SuperstarAdlin

By the end of the night they all bonded…
Cos even though they all wanted to get drunk, i had four glasses and got there first

See! Urban legend! Urban legend!
Joyce cannot drink la!!

The next day i found ComposedJohn’s namecard in my bag
I don’t remember seeing him :p
Eh… why do i have his namecard for?! I already have it and we always bump into each other anyway!

Bumped into him at the New Man party the next night
“Why did you give me your namecard last night? I already have it!”
“I did?”
“Yeah… you did… you also forgot ar.”
“…. ….”
“…. ….”

So fail man our memories.
Dare to say *i* look more stoned on your blog  somemore! Oi!

Heh i took SO MANY pictures OFF
AzwinAndy: “Oh my GOD JOYCE. You took pictures of our LEGS! And you call yourself a photographer!”

Then went up to TAG as usual
Or so i was told

“We all wanted to leave at 2 something… so we were all standing outside then suddenly you said ‘no! i still wanna partyyy!’ and ran back into loft.”
“Haha really?”
“Yeah. You called us all party poopers and ran up the stairs. All of us saw you running away and were like, ‘ohmygod…”

I’m a shameless party girl yo.

Oh these pictures are continued from the New Man party post

KinkyPug obliged my having to attend the launch of Mesquite 52 @ AHR
And SuiLin was nice to drop us back at Velvet after that

Then pug and fairy both obliged a particular passed out someone
FaiTheMai picked us up and we shot off to Ruums
I know.
Damn marathon right  0_o

We went there in our semiformal clothes cos of the New Man party
PassedOutBen blared us, “This is not a high so event! Why you wear high so for?!”

Woohoo i love this picture of Looney and i!
Either this or the one of me and SunshineySteph is my favourite pic for the night

Those are obviously not  my fingers
I would NEVER do that kawaii look

Sorry la, drunk
Hence, picture-taking skills a biiiiit off

Nice picture taken from the stage by PassedOutBen stolen from ChengLeong’s site

I don’t know who that guy in the middle is
But it’s my only pic of Ken and Ben… so it goes up πŸ™‚

KinkyPugKevin was super semangat dancing like crazy
So i got hyped up as well

The next day i woke up with backache and footache

Getting old wei…

Next one up this Saturday

Damn blur haih
Click on it for clearer view k



My braces are off!


I was smiling at my reflection on car windows when i left the dentist
I was grinning at myself in the bathroom mirror while washing my hands

I’m just being a psycho smiling fairy now

Then when i laughed over lunch with QueenKanch at Bayu Timor, i blurted out
“Oh my god! My first laugh!”
She giggled at my idiocy, “Come. Bring your camera. Want me to take video of you laughing or not!”

But i have to admit it was more unpleasant then i thought it would be
The dentist used pliers (i think it was) to crack everything off and i was so afraid she’d crack my teeth off without meaning to
I’m usually very quiet at the dentist’s
Today i squirmed and blared, “OH AH OD…!!” while my mouth was open


But it’s all okay cos it’s off now! YAY! YAY!

“Yay” will be my word for the week 


Hmm this has to stop…
I was walking around the house grinning at the air
As if i was airing my teeth

But i’m too ecstatic!
Yay! Yay!


39 Responses to Monday June 26, 2006

  1. stupid fairy -_-

  2. Anonymous says:

    stupid fairy -_-

  3. maxineajs says:

    hey congrats! πŸ™‚

    but trust me, wearing retainers can be a real pain in the ass. its even worse than having braces. :/

  4. Anonymous says:

    hey congrats! πŸ™‚

    but trust me, wearing retainers can be a real pain in the ass. its even worse than having braces. :/

  5. looney_v5 says:

    terus macam kesas highway!

  6. Anonymous says:

    terus macam kesas highway!

  7. j0sh_w says:

    Haha πŸ™‚
    Or rather, πŸ˜€

  8. Anonymous says:

    Haha πŸ™‚
    Or rather, πŸ˜€

  9. nightstar says:

    hahahahha i remember that feeling! i kept flashing my really white teeth too after taking out my braces cos the dentist had polished my teeth and all.. but eeew when i kept putting off wearing my retainers, my teeth moved like crazy and I grew bunny tooths πŸ™ ..make sure u wear retainers gurl!

  10. Anonymous says:

    hahahahha i remember that feeling! i kept flashing my really white teeth too after taking out my braces cos the dentist had polished my teeth and all.. but eeew when i kept putting off wearing my retainers, my teeth moved like crazy and I grew bunny tooths πŸ™ ..make sure u wear retainers gurl!

  11. LucidDr3amer says:

    WOOT! WOOT! Brace free Fairy coming thru πŸ˜›

  12. Anonymous says:

    WOOT! WOOT! Brace free Fairy coming thru πŸ˜›

  13. haha

    u’re so cute joyce


    wah pengsan because of ur killer smile





  15. Anonymous says:


    u’re so cute joyce


    wah pengsan because of ur killer smile



  16. Kev: idiot pug -_-

    mazineajs: eh don’t la burst my bubble…!

    looney: yeah! πŸ˜‰

    josh: πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ :D:D:D:D::DD:DD: mwahaha

    mich: oh yeah i heard, WILL wear those darn things

    cyn: i know πŸ˜‰ no more braces flashing at TAG

    littlechillipadi: heh not supposed to be killer smile…

    kim: don’t hate me cos i’m braces-less πŸ˜‰

  17. Anonymous says:

    Kev: idiot pug -_-

    mazineajs: eh don’t la burst my bubble…!

    looney: yeah! πŸ˜‰

    josh: πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ :D:D:D:D::DD:DD: mwahaha

    mich: oh yeah i heard, WILL wear those darn things

    cyn: i know πŸ˜‰ no more braces flashing at TAG

    littlechillipadi: heh not supposed to be killer smile…

    kim: don’t hate me cos i’m braces-less πŸ˜‰

  18. maxineajs says:

    hahahha no i’m sorry!

    but yeah, your teeth looks really good. πŸ™‚

  19. Anonymous says:

    hahahha no i’m sorry!

    but yeah, your teeth looks really good. πŸ™‚

  20. redsevens says:

    That looked scary wei!…but congrats anyways.

  21. Anonymous says:

    That looked scary wei!…but congrats anyways.

  22. yay indeed!

    now u go flash and blind everybody in kuching with that braces-free teeth of yours. hehee.

  23. Anonymous says:

    yay indeed!

    now u go flash and blind everybody in kuching with that braces-free teeth of yours. hehee.

  24. simplyfong says:

    *laugh* congrats!!!!!!!!! ;););)

  25. Anonymous says:

    *laugh* congrats!!!!!!!!! ;););)

  26. looney_v5 says:


    WHOA…. mabuk man the face all.. kekeke….

  27. Anonymous says:


    WHOA…. mabuk man the face all.. kekeke….

  28. looney: kena FRAMED!!!! *my* fingers are *delicate* and *elegant* hmph

  29. Anonymous says:

    looney: kena FRAMED!!!! *my* fingers are *delicate* and *elegant* hmph

  30. legallybimbo says:

    so straiiight ur teeth!! πŸ˜€

  31. Anonymous says:

    so straiiight ur teeth!! πŸ˜€

  32. Petrinaaa says:

    OOH! i can remember when i first took out my braces, non-stop grinning like an idiot and licking my teeth. Smooth gila babi. hahah…

    But i stopped wearing my retainers after a few weeks…i think my teeth still look okay though. hehe…

  33. Anonymous says:

    OOH! i can remember when i first took out my braces, non-stop grinning like an idiot and licking my teeth. Smooth gila babi. hahah…

    But i stopped wearing my retainers after a few weeks…i think my teeth still look okay though. hehe…

  34. basket. ugly pics of pug… πŸ™

  35. Anonymous says:

    basket. ugly pics of pug… πŸ™

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