Thursday March 16, 2006

Comments (34) Uncategorized

Exactly a year ago, Joyce spent hours layaning IACT

Flash Me Baby!

I got my new flash already!

*cradles new flash lovingly*


Today is my off day!
How lovely lovely lovely!

Besides having to send off some work samples
I’m not to think about any work today!

*stretches gloriously*

Went for the Paul Smith Spring Summer 06 fashion show last night @ Frangipani
I’m a tad disappointed for i adored his designs last year so much more…
But it’s okay, i still think he’s fantastic for all his fake death story-telling and bicycle mania
Pics up when i have time

My itinerary for the day:
ExternalFlash AdamPoserPan SmallSerenaC MyDarlingCousin KinkyPugKevin FaiTheMai JollyMooky’s Birthday Celebration!

Then it’s back to work with three shoots tomorrow
*pats camera lovingly*
And possibly one on Sunday

I’m At The Crossroad

At a certain point in life
No matter what you’re choosing
There is surely a crossload

Should i go out with him or should i wait for my true love whom i’m not sure of is existant?
Should i fry the fucking egg for one more minute?
Can i drink one more and i won’t get drunk?
Perhaps i can disobey her and she won’t hold it against me?…
Just answer the question and he’d think the better or you.
But what if the answer isn’t what he wants to hear?

Suddenly i”m at this point in life where i don’t know where i should turn

Should i venture fully into writing and photography?
The benefits are better
But then again, how long do those benefits play an important role in life?
I’m earning more in a week then i was in a month.
Can i really do this forever?
Can i actually go into an established name with this type of work?
Will i be earning more then my peers in 5 years time?

So much competition
So much thought
So much thought put into the culture that shaped me today into
What i *think* i should do to earn more money, thus getting a better life

Of course, i want to earn more money
Who DOESN’T!?!?!

If you don’t, kindly donate your money to me
Email me and i’ll give you my account number

Again, more money more money
Money = power

I don’t care if people say that girls don’t have to think about earning so much
Because they can depend on males

It’s bollocks.

Don’t ever depend on males.

You never know when they will leave you
Or when their heart will turn towards a hotter other

Depend only on yourself.

I don’t know whether to continue on my quest on freelance writing and photography
Consider the other offers (coincidentally) night outlets are offering me for marketing and PR

“You’re good at talking. When do you want to join us?”

Oh dear,
They’ve been asking me for two months and i figured they’ve forgotten all about it
*I* had!

And then it boils down to the money

I know some friends who will KICK me for not taking up a presumably great job offer that comes along
But for now
Seeing i have some choices
Fucking make the best of it right?

I’m just hoping luck doens’t suddenly run out on me
And suddenly i have nothing

Damn scary right



34 Responses to Thursday March 16, 2006

  1. meeshlet says:

    God, how many times have we all thought about these questions? You are really not alone. It scares me to think that I will one of those people in 20 years who doesn’t enjoy their job and goes and does it for fucks. Just for the money. Become one of those drones you see in a government office, pissy and cynical.

    But you never know what you can learn from new experiences until you try it. Naturally the whole 9-5 thing will suck! But you have to try new things and then if you don’t like it, you’ll still take away some good and you’re all the better for it. At least that’s how I see it, and I have wondered about this A LOT. Seeing as I’ve spent 4 years doing a degree while there are people out there who are far more successful than I am actually doing what I’ve been learning in theory πŸ™ But oh well, such is life.



  2. Anonymous says:

    God, how many times have we all thought about these questions? You are really not alone. It scares me to think that I will one of those people in 20 years who doesn’t enjoy their job and goes and does it for fucks. Just for the money. Become one of those drones you see in a government office, pissy and cynical.

    But you never know what you can learn from new experiences until you try it. Naturally the whole 9-5 thing will suck! But you have to try new things and then if you don’t like it, you’ll still take away some good and you’re all the better for it. At least that’s how I see it, and I have wondered about this A LOT. Seeing as I’ve spent 4 years doing a degree while there are people out there who are far more successful than I am actually doing what I’ve been learning in theory πŸ™ But oh well, such is life.



  3. Quilana says:

    Think about it this way – You can go into freelance writing and photography ANYtime in your life. Especially when you’ve already had lots of experience in the field. You only get some job offers to a certain extent (maybe another two months tops? You never know).

    Best go with whatever’s gonna slip through your hands first. πŸ˜‰

  4. Anonymous says:

    Think about it this way – You can go into freelance writing and photography ANYtime in your life. Especially when you’ve already had lots of experience in the field. You only get some job offers to a certain extent (maybe another two months tops? You never know).

    Best go with whatever’s gonna slip through your hands first. πŸ˜‰

  5. Anonymous says:

    ditto (quilana)

  6. nottifish says:

    yea whatmore so 7 famous… why u scared and confused? simple wat! no need think wan.. just down a chill pill and have a cup ya know! πŸ™‚ 9 to 5 for you? not that you havent done it before eh? Quilana got it right… freelance writting and photography anytime anywhere you can get if you put your mind to it…. other stuffs would prove  more of a challenge..

    Anyway i may not be the best person to advice eh? hahahaha LOL… fuck man.. come out and join me for a beer and we’ll talk over it k…. it’ll be fun… especially at the end when we would loose focus on the agenda topic of the night and end up talking and laughing to mindless things….

    i’m at work, hence the long post. bored… take it easy stupid….. catch up soon pls…kaniniah

  7. Anonymous says:

    yea whatmore so 7 famous… why u scared and confused? simple wat! no need think wan.. just down a chill pill and have a cup ya know! πŸ™‚ 9 to 5 for you? not that you havent done it before eh? Quilana got it right… freelance writting and photography anytime anywhere you can get if you put your mind to it…. other stuffs would prove  more of a challenge..

    Anyway i may not be the best person to advice eh? hahahaha LOL… fuck man.. come out and join me for a beer and we’ll talk over it k…. it’ll be fun… especially at the end when we would loose focus on the agenda topic of the night and end up talking and laughing to mindless things….

    i’m at work, hence the long post. bored… take it easy stupid….. catch up soon pls…kaniniah

  8. placid26 says:

    You aren’t alone. I guess the most important thing is when it comes to these questions, a wise woman once told me to remember two things; will I be happy doing it and what is in it for me.

    Yes men are dawgs but some are less of a dawg than others.

    Dang this is getting too depressing for me.

  9. Anonymous says:

    You aren’t alone. I guess the most important thing is when it comes to these questions, a wise woman once told me to remember two things; will I be happy doing it and what is in it for me.

    Yes men are dawgs but some are less of a dawg than others.

    Dang this is getting too depressing for me.

  10. nottifish says:

    why not be a Dj?…Dj Kinkybluefairy!!!! oh wait… u’ll have issues reaching for the tables…KEKEKEKEK….

  11. Anonymous says:

    why not be a Dj?…Dj Kinkybluefairy!!!! oh wait… u’ll have issues reaching for the tables…KEKEKEKEK….

  12. kennysia says:

    It’s a dilemma but you know what’s best for yourselves right?

    Personally if I were you, I’d choose to continue with writing and photography. Like you said, the money is good and there’s no reason why you should switch career paths right now. After all, your writing ability, unlike beauty, is not exactly something that will go away when you age.

    It’s not too late to switch career paths down the road if the well is running dry and the prospect is no longer there.

  13. Anonymous says:

    It’s a dilemma but you know what’s best for yourselves right?

    Personally if I were you, I’d choose to continue with writing and photography. Like you said, the money is good and there’s no reason why you should switch career paths right now. After all, your writing ability, unlike beauty, is not exactly something that will go away when you age.

    It’s not too late to switch career paths down the road if the well is running dry and the prospect is no longer there.

  14. LucidDr3amer says:

    Hmmm… the auntie part of me would say stick with the writing and photography stuff. More $$.. The other option is not a long term and you don’t actually develop a lot of skills… then again, up to you πŸ˜› Either one you’ll do great

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm… the auntie part of me would say stick with the writing and photography stuff. More $$.. The other option is not a long term and you don’t actually develop a lot of skills… then again, up to you πŸ˜› Either one you’ll do great

  16. smallswong says:

    how come im not invited to go out? >(

  17. Anonymous says:

    how come im not invited to go out? >(

  18. Thanks for all the comments…

    nottifish: DJ Kinkybluefairy? Haha… spin at TAG can la. πŸ™‚ Eh there are such things as boxes for short ppl like me okay :p

    MinkyMin: cos you always ffk me >_<

  19. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for all the comments…

    nottifish: DJ Kinkybluefairy? Haha… spin at TAG can la. πŸ™‚ Eh there are such things as boxes for short ppl like me okay :p

    MinkyMin: cos you always ffk me >_<

  20. nightstar says:

    When your work seems like play, ur right where you’re meant to be…

  21. Anonymous says:

    When your work seems like play, ur right where you’re meant to be…

  22. kamkuey says:

    Woo hoo!!! new flash… more pics!! more pics!!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Woo hoo!!! new flash… more pics!! more pics!!

  24. hey, no more Bangkok pics? no post on Bangkok trip?

  25. Anonymous says:

    hey, no more Bangkok pics? no post on Bangkok trip?

  26. ying_xian says:

    depends on which you like doing better πŸ™‚

    and yes! the women of today are and will continue being independent. πŸ˜‰

  27. Anonymous says:

    depends on which you like doing better πŸ™‚

    and yes! the women of today are and will continue being independent. πŸ˜‰

  28. cyberred says:

    PR is not teh glam.. and fun..


  29. Anonymous says:

    PR is not teh glam.. and fun..


  30. Quilana says:

    Which speedlight did you get?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Which speedlight did you get?

  32. nottifish says:

    i got a job for you photography….. contact me asap

  33. Anonymous says:

    i got a job for you photography….. contact me asap

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