Saturday February 25, 2006

Comments (24) Uncategorized

Lost The Plot

Erm… so instead of FaiTheMai dying…
This other girl did
Quite shy
She’s blaming the Long Island Tea there
Very lethal

According to Fai, people were asking him whether it was his birthday or her birthday

“It wasn’t a birthday la. It was wedding and birthday combined man.”
– PassedOutBen

“Eh you damn heavy wei. Adam also cannot carry you.” said QueenKanch
“I’m not heavy! He’s WEAK!”

Ugh. So shameless.
I do not want to become one of those stupid girls who get carried out
In fact, i always *mock* those girls that get carried out
No more no more!

24 Responses to Saturday February 25, 2006

  1. starlanceleo says:

    Hahahaha xD
    Funny post.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hahahaha xD
    Funny post.

  3. timstone says:

    get the cranes!

  4. Anonymous says:

    get the cranes!

  5. ha, your plan backfired, and ‘kena’ yourself instead…damn!

    and, uuhh, i love the long island tea from zouk

    but you see, it is never good to over-indulge in something, no matter how good it is =p

  6. Anonymous says:

    ha, your plan backfired, and ‘kena’ yourself instead…damn!

    and, uuhh, i love the long island tea from zouk

    but you see, it is never good to over-indulge in something, no matter how good it is =p

  7. i was almost crushed once by a passed out female dead weight.

  8. Anonymous says:

    i was almost crushed once by a passed out female dead weight.

  9. looney_v5 says:

    so did you pass out?

  10. Anonymous says:

    so did you pass out?

  11. lainieyeoh says:

    feel the shame.

    reza’s comment nearly killed me too.

  12. Anonymous says:

    feel the shame.

    reza’s comment nearly killed me too.

  13. tim: idiottttttttttttt

    ash: oi -_-

    Reza: lol

    lainie: yeah man… i FEEL THE SHAME :p

    looney: apalu fikir…? :p

  14. Anonymous says:

    tim: idiottttttttttttt

    ash: oi -_-

    Reza: lol

    lainie: yeah man… i FEEL THE SHAME :p

    looney: apalu fikir…? :p

  15. hamster143 says:

    Jing Yen… Jing Yen.. you know what?? your head is kinda light that night!! HAHHAHAHAHHAHA poor Tarry and Ah win… have to carry you!! HAHHAA

  16. Anonymous says:

    Jing Yen… Jing Yen.. you know what?? your head is kinda light that night!! HAHHAHAHAHHAHA poor Tarry and Ah win… have to carry you!! HAHHAA

  17. albnok says:

    I saw you standing by yourself once. The rest of the time you were playing “you-be-eucalyptus-tree-I-be-koala” with unidentified men.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I saw you standing by yourself once. The rest of the time you were playing “you-be-eucalyptus-tree-I-be-koala” with unidentified men.

  19. cheehooi: eh pfftt shhhhh*** can you like, NOT write stuff about that here? -_-

    albert: urm yeah…. i’m damn good at layaning diri πŸ˜›

  20. Anonymous says:

    cheehooi: eh pfftt shhhhh*** can you like, NOT write stuff about that here? -_-

    albert: urm yeah…. i’m damn good at layaning diri πŸ˜›

  21. placid26 says:

    Nothing like becoming those you dislike.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Nothing like becoming those you dislike.

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