Monday September 5, 2005

Comments (20) Uncategorized

Not Helping Yo

Coffee not helping…
Feel fucking sleepy in the office
Damn shy if i fall asleep and my fingers rest on the keyboard
Then can see me type crap like so:


This week is fuckinginsanely packed
Is this week have good feng shui for events or something??
There’s something going on every single day EXcluding the birthdays every single day…
Plus *my* deadlines are end of this week  0_o

Tonight is the Miss Malaysia World party thing at The Loft @ AHR
I shall go – eat, drink and be merry


First Day Flow

My period just came.
My tardy memory never allows me to remember when exactly it’s supposed to hit so i usually just let it take me by surprise.

“Eh. I think my period just came. So fast… time already meh?” I asked AdamPoserPan

He always remembers when my period is due.
I have more important things to remember so i easily refer to him.

“Yeah i think so.”
“Sure or not?”
“Well it’d be so much easier if you pms.”
“What what?!”
“So you saying i psm 24/7 issit.”
Dangerous voice.
“nO. It’s because you *don’t* that’s why i can’t tell! You’re always happy.”

Then i felt like some stupid clown on constant high.


Stop Breathing Down My Neck Dammit

Stupid Adam peeking over my shoulder as i blog

I was half dreaming about scrumptious burgers and yummy greasy food before i even woke up properly today

So i went to Burger King and had a double swiss mushroom heaven
With LaughingLoga and VJ joining us

Bought 3pairs-for-10bucks earrings at 1U
Near TGV
Quite value so quite happy weee!!!

Then had to look for a birthday present for Adam’s grandmother

We both agreed that the helium balloons floating around the apartment
Late at night when we’re going to sleep
Are creepy

He’s bouncing them around now…
*looks towards living room*
Wtf… thought only i  would play with balloons myself

Still need more sleep
Am obligated to be out late this enTIRE week (save Wednesday)
Unless i’m sick… in the head haha

Time to shower and watch Nip/Tuck and sleeeeeeep….

20 Responses to Monday September 5, 2005

  1. jiarhwei says:

    oh yes. the earrings there are really pretty. πŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous says:

    oh yes. the earrings there are really pretty. πŸ™‚

  3. iamsiren says:

    adam bouncing balloons by himself ahahahahah..

    btw, i am massively sunburnt from cherating. *owww!*

  4. Anonymous says:

    adam bouncing balloons by himself ahahahahah..

    btw, i am massively sunburnt from cherating. *owww!*

  5. nightstar says:

    okok.i gotto check out this nip/tuck thingy.

  6. Anonymous says:

    okok.i gotto check out this nip/tuck thingy.

  7. jearhwei: it’s *okay* la… just gt hunt for the nice cheap ones

    lily: sunburn…. *remembers Labuan* owwww

    nightstar: it’s time-consuming, be warned πŸ™‚

  8. Anonymous says:

    jearhwei: it’s *okay* la… just gt hunt for the nice cheap ones

    lily: sunburn…. *remembers Labuan* owwww

    nightstar: it’s time-consuming, be warned πŸ™‚

  9. nightstar says:

    no PMS? ur like every guy’s dream GF mahn. my PMS means i get super biatchy and the world’s gonna end. heheh

  10. Anonymous says:

    no PMS? ur like every guy’s dream GF mahn. my PMS means i get super biatchy and the world’s gonna end. heheh

  11. LucidDr3amer says:

    No PMS= Good

    Bf who actually remembers when your period is = Good

    Happy person = Good


  12. Anonymous says:

    No PMS= Good

    Bf who actually remembers when your period is = Good

    Happy person = Good


  13. j0sh_w says:

    To Adam: Good save, man πŸ™‚

    This kind of stuff gotta mentally archive for future reference.

  14. Anonymous says:

    To Adam: Good save, man πŸ™‚

    This kind of stuff gotta mentally archive for future reference.

  15. Coffee doesn’t help in anything. Next time do try out china tea. The most bitter will be good to not falling asleep!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Coffee doesn’t help in anything. Next time do try out china tea. The most bitter will be good to not falling asleep!

  17. StonedBoned says:

    This kind of stuff gotta mentally archive for future reference.


    Exactly what i thought when i read that, haha.. ,=)

  18. Anonymous says:

    This kind of stuff gotta mentally archive for future reference.


    Exactly what i thought when i read that, haha.. ,=)

  19. nightstar: i don’T believe i don’t pms at ALL la actually… surely got sometimes i snap one…? hmm

    Cyn: LOL. You forgot:

    Cyn + Joyce + a jug of LongIslandTea = Good


    josh: oi! What good save all! mmf

    kirsten_elaine: oh yea… chinese tea is strong wei πŸ˜‰

    stonedboned: eh… what! you think this is a life directory ar?! πŸ˜›

  20. Anonymous says:

    nightstar: i don’T believe i don’t pms at ALL la actually… surely got sometimes i snap one…? hmm

    Cyn: LOL. You forgot:

    Cyn + Joyce + a jug of LongIslandTea = Good


    josh: oi! What good save all! mmf

    kirsten_elaine: oh yea… chinese tea is strong wei πŸ˜‰

    stonedboned: eh… what! you think this is a life directory ar?! πŸ˜›

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