Wednesday May 25, 2005

Comments (12) Uncategorized

I *KNOW* it’s weird la…

Just came back from William’s with AdamPeterPan, AshleyTheMonkey & RainbowGayDave
Adam and Dave are getting along so well… it’s… well, scary
I saw some curry chicken stew in the fridge, being peckish and lazy, i picked a piece up with my fingers and chucked it into my mouth
And it’s not bad at all…

Now i’m just reminding myself of my friend who buys MickeyD burgers, takes them home to place in the fridge till its cold
THEN she eats them

, as i’m writing this, FoxyLisa (who’s in Canada right now) is telling me she prefers eating KFC cold
Maybe there’re more Closet Cold-food-eaters then i know after all!
*feels normal*

I’m supposed to have packed now but i can’t be fucked for the moment
Supposed to leave for Malacca at 9 am… which is… in 5 hours time

Cheh still so much time, lepak first la
Later sure rush though heh

I’m just going there for fun cos some friends have to go there for business and being the currently unemployed person that i am (till 1st of June anyway)
I have the liberty of running off
Can eat chicken ball rice and cendol! Plus my ponies have never been to Malacca ๐Ÿ™‚
I can’t bring Buttersparkles this time since she already went for the car ride and to the hilton last week, so its someone else’s turn hmm who shall i bring… *puts finger on chin thoughtfully*

This will be fun
Get out of the city for awhile
I’ll catch up on my reading and writing while the others are at work
I wonder if there are any fairies in Malacca….

Anyhow, i shall get someone to guest blog for me tomorrow *semangat*

Zaidi Turned Five

Last Monday was Zaidi’s birthday

“Hey your birthday is coming. Watcha gonna do?”
“Whoa. How you know?! I never celebrate my birthday.”
“Fairy magic.”

My memories of Zaidi would be of 
Nizwani & me chasing after him to drink with us cos he can’t hold his alco for nuts
It’s a bit pitiful cos the moment he manages to run from one of us
The other will pop up of nowhere and he’ll be like, “Shit.”
He reckons we’re both both evil fairy-believing alco-drinking madcappers

Anyway the picture below was taken after Zouk’s 1st Anniversary UrbanBaroque party
Oh yea, it was also the night i blurted utter nonsense like ‘Ashley’s favourite tree is fried chicken’

This is how we bond
Either i watch him chiowtut or vice versa

Hmm i don’t blog bout Zaidi all that often but there’s picture of him
here with a strong face
and here with a cookie on his strong face



I just thought of something. If i get diarrhea on the way to Malacca because of eating cold curry chicken… that will be so not happening. -_-

12 Responses to Wednesday May 25, 2005

  1. looney_v5 says:

    zakariah turns 24!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! hahahaha shit! zaidi dreams of pink elephants sitting on top of purple clouds.. so he’s not very far off from you, fairy girl! ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. shaun7 says:

    ponies haven’t been to malacca? oh my god.. that’s so sad la. sighs.

    hey first heard modestmouse on the oc !

  3. LucidDr3amer says:

    Melaka is nice. Lot’s of little nooks and crannies to poke around in and all sorts of treasures to discover ๐Ÿ™‚ The ponies will have fun and there’s yummy food too…

  4. lynnzter says:

    Make sure you try Roti John when you’re in Malacca! ^^

  5. j0sh_w says:

    Eh. Melaka. ๐Ÿ™

    No fairies there. It’s too hot.

  6. Ponk says:

    tell zakaria i said hi, and some how i like eating some food cold too. weird

  7. sparkle_myst says:

    I go to malacca every year since 3 years ago. Remember to try the SATAY CELUP.

    ehhh now I know why you looked familiar to me.
    Nick’s sis???????

  8. yishyene says:

    EEE I LOVE COLD FOOD! And the smell of petrol.

  9. Ponk says:

    petrol? you can sniff all you want where i werk!

  10. Zhillian says:

    hey… i like the chicken ball rice too… yum yum!!

  11. looney: *SSHHHH* he said he’s turning five. so don’t ruin it for him!

    shaun: hmm… somehow choosing between watching Nip/Tuck, oc, and all the other series on dvd…. oc seems so bimbotic and time-a-wasting la. I watched the first episode and thought ‘bah watch other things first before that’

    lucid_dreamer: absolutely right my friend! I was skipping and poking my nose into all of them and taking pictures!

    lynnzter: crap. didn’t. but will definitely go back soon… got some kick-ass earrings there i wanna buy!

    josh: got that right. was. so. friggin. hot.

    ponk: you know zakaRIA too? cool shit. yea cold food rocks la.  ๐Ÿ™‚

    sparkle_myst: yea i ‘m nick’s WONDERFUL FABULOUS LOVING *sees nick throwing pillow at me* sis. have we met?  0_o

    yish: i know you like the smell of petrol la

    zhillian: yup yupyup!

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