Saturday May 28, 2005

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So It’s KL on Friday nite

Went to the STUFF mag party at Zouk last night with KelvinTSD & MafiaMary
We arrived kinda late as usual, with much regret cos the prizes there were fucking awesome
They had some really good shit going on – laptops, mobile phones, mp3 players
Bumped into RyanMukatiAbelHelga and GBKGobiJessie

I tried slutting myself in front of the stage while they played games, trying in vain to win something but i wouldn’t have been able to answer their questions anyway!
Damn sad man

Then SueThePixie (she’s tinier than me wee hee!) and SexyCynthia  asked me to go to Velvet
I dragged KelvinTSD with me
Oh yea, you know how i benci (HATE) it when people mistake my fairy tattoo for an angel?
Well someone said something worse last night

Adrian: Is that a grasshopper?
Joyce: IT’S NOT A GRASSHOPPER!!!!! *nose flaring* IT’S A FAIRY!!!
Adrian: oh. haha it looks like a grasshopper to me!

Let’s get this straight.

IT’S noT a freaking grasshopper.

*fairy anger*

 came after work and he bonded with RainbowGayDave and KelvinTSD outside on the Terrace Bar
Dave: Hey, you’re KelvinTSD. You’re the one who took her pony for a ride in the car!
Kelvin: Whatthefuck. What Kelvin*T*S*D*! I need to have a word with Joyce about this.

“Joyce can you change the name ar. I dowan that TSD SHIT okay!”
“Why does everyone want to change their freaking cartoon name. Cannot okay. It stays.”
“Then how come Adam could change his from that freckled thing?”
“He obviously has extra benefits.”
“Ma chow hai, i just want to change it okay! It’s a small thing la, Joyce, it’s just changing the name! Not asking you to show me your tits also@!!”

Eh there’s nothing wrong with the name KelvinTSD okay
If i remember correctly, *you’re* the one who came up with it in the first place!

I ran up to the Loft for TAG with SueThePixie and SexyCyn
Bumped into Rudy
Someone from Malacca who reads my blog came up to say hi and bought me Malibu – Thanks Joshua ๐Ÿ˜‰
I think it’s cool when that happens… the saying hi i mean, not necessarily the Malibu  -_-

Okay i gotta run, Adam’s picking me up in 30 minutes and i haven’t packed yet!
Tonight we party in Penang woohoo!!!

8 Responses to Saturday May 28, 2005

  1. Last month, I bumped into a girl in a white halter neck top with a huge fairy tattoo on her back while partying at Shamrock Irish Pub, KK. Told Michelle @ nightstar (who was in KK with her colleagues at that time)about it. She gleefully replied that girl was you. Heh heh! Fairy gal can drink like a horse and play pool like a pro, but you are much prettier!

  2. angel_vow says:

    Damn. Vic beats me again. We are playing a game of “find a female xangan and hit on her first”. Winner gets to choose the next one. Haha.

    It’s crazy that fairies and angels are often confused by some people. Fairies have filmy, butterfly-like wings and angels have feathered wings, for Pete’s sake!

    I remember one time while I was sunbathing on a beach, a girl came up to me, points at the angel tattoo on my chest and said: “What a cute fairy tattoo!” You should have seen my expression.

  3. Anatole69 says:

    My grasshopper hates it when he is called a fairy. He gets all aggro and requires extra therapy sessions.

  4. j0sh_w says:

    You’re welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. KelT3 says:

    Joyce has the most amazingly slutty top last night, and it basically left me with two options: to gaze into her ginormous cleavage where she could hide the Titanic in, or watch for a while and watch her fidget and re-adjust her blouse, because breasts that pop out to say hello isn’t exactly on her To-Do list at that point.

    But I love Joyce, she is the most perfect clubbing flen to have. Major props to Cynthia for being such a wholesome geek.

  6. jellypixie says:

    *woot* *woot* more drinks?
    hehehehe… it was great to have you party together-gether… *wink*

  7. LucidDr3amer says:

    Was a really great party night out and a pleasure to meet you and speak to you in person…and to KelT3, was great to meet you too ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. reckless_eagle: haha she made a mistake, no wonder she smsed me asking whether i was in kk. i was thinking, ‘walau, what a random question!’

    angel_vow: i’s LOL at your tattoo being mistaken for a fairy. Guess that shot your chances of picking her up to hell since she’d think *youre* a fairy too!

    anatole69: i’d rather be called a fairy then a grasshopper anyday! he should be HAPPY.

    josh_w: ahh so it was yoU ๐Ÿ™‚

    KelTSD: eh. don’t write things like that online can or not. -_- wanna fight issit. ha. ha?

    jellypixie: and there shall definitely be more! kami bahagia lagi ya… haha

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