I Have Spots On My Ankles
Just reached home from Penang
Can’t be fucked to take off my make-up (which is bad i know)
AdamPeterPan is reading this as i type and bugging me to take it off
Our short adventure was awesome
KinkyPugKevin was present
We all got along so grandly that we three are starting a blog together because we all obviously have no life
Say hello to
Okay i’m off to bed
Chin Kuan Express, now that sounds like an unholy trinity ๐
– fr0stie
Hi Joyce! I haven’t been on your blog in yonks~ hope that you had a good night! ^^ Sweet dreams!
wow. i’m greatly overjoyed for you. words can’t describe my happiness. i’m so proud you finally start a blog with 2 other people. *amazing*