Tuesday May 31, 2005

Comments (5) Uncategorized

Spots & Sore Throat

The spots are still on my ankles
I shall blog soon enough where they came from!

Today was one of those nights when you catch up with a friend and talk for hours and hours
U-Jin just got back from London and he had a craving
So we went for fondue and racklette at the Swiss restaurant in Ampang
Cheeseeeeeeeee all the way

So sinful man

Then we had tiramisu in Alexis

Even more sinful


I bumped into Rico and Hooi Chiat there
There were my former lecturers at The One
Such a pleasure seeing them somehow

I’m sleepy
The wine is making me sleepy

So for once the fairy will crash early

5 Responses to Tuesday May 31, 2005

  1. j0sh_w says:

    Lemme guess. Chalet Suisse? Yum yum. There’s an amazing little french place down the road called Ma Maison. Ah, Ampang’s the best place in the world… ok, ok. We delude ourselves into thinking that cos there’s not much else here ๐Ÿ™

  2. Yes, Chalet Suisse!

    I don’t go to Ampang often… but there are* some interesting hidey holes there, i must admit

  3. bzbee says:

    I feel sleepy all the time whenever I drink. There’s happy, loud, sad and aggro drinkers, but I’m definately the sleepy drinker! >< Hey, hope you will get well soon!

  4. timstone says:

    the silly fairy has corrupted my good friend SantaKel… he’ll never be the same again… ha ha

  5. bzbee: that’s why you don’t sit down… you partay!

    tim: what? what? *big innocent fairy eyes*

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