Sunday March 13, 2005

Comments (6) Uncategorized

I’m freaking worn out

Friday was fantastic
Drank and danced whole night
Oh except that the NEC Mobile Shuffling thingy didn’t have alcohol
That was so unexpected

Should have seen my face when LiciaGerry told me
I freaked out to the max

“Waddaya mEAN there’s NO alco?! How the hELL can there BE NO alco. There’s hard house for fuck’s sake! Waddahelllll……..!!!”  i sputtered
This has been edited. I actually bitched for much longer. Though if i write it all down it’d take up half the post length ;p

BabyKit said, “It’s so supposed to be a healthy rave, i guess.”
“What NONSENSE.” i replied a tad too fast with a grim face

After midnight was dedicated to shaking that booty and drinking till 5 30 am

Saturday was:

*all about heat and patience…
And not getting in the end what i waited around in the heat patiently for

*spent relaxing in a jacuzzi with room service in hand…
Only to stress out after that, babysitting a CertainDrunkSomeone
Scraped my knees being pulled down when he fell… thrice
Agreed with everything he said because violent drunk people are always right -_-
Stared in despair when he ran off stubborn and drunk
Looked for him in kl clubbing area with Loga till 4 am
HighSluttyHeels are not suitable to hunt in

*nice because i layan diri when i came home…
I had Malibu
Watched MTV and Oprah (i rarely watch tv you see)
Drew a fairy with charcoal
from 5 am to 9 am

Manymanymany pics
Awfullyawfullyawfully lazy to put them up now

So you gotta waitwaitwait…

6 Responses to Sunday March 13, 2005

  1. nightstar says:

    scraped kneeess??!*ouch!*

  2. liljooules says:



  3. hope you feel betta….post your charcoal drawings… : P reebit! 

  4. kamkuey says:

    Hmm.. there is this thing about you that always amuses me… you are able to amuse yourself.. no matter wat… AHAHAHAHA..

  5. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks having a drink at home is therapeutic!

  6. bzbee says:

    You love malibu. ^^ Glad to hear that you had fun. I remember the times when I was pissed drunk too lol.

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