Wednesday March 16, 2005

Comments (6) Uncategorized

So i Really Haven’t Had Time…

I swear my memory is getting worse and worse
Which scares the hell out of me
Apparently not enough to make me stop drinking 0_o

Let’s take a look at an example:

I bring out pen and paper to write down things i need to buy
So when i’m in 1U and i remember something
I whip out the necessary tools to aid my memory
While listening to AshleyTheMonkey and QueenKanch babble…
Ohya! I need to get a namecard holder!
I rummage through my bag for my pen and notebook
Hmm where iS it…
*half a minute later*
AH! Here it is! Damn the huge bag… took so bloody long to find it
I hold my beloved Pilot-C4 and fairy notebook in the air triumphantly

And i forgot what it is i wanted to write down.


6 Responses to Wednesday March 16, 2005

  1. bzbee says:

    That’s alright. ^^ I do it sometimes too lol. Don’t worry, you’ll remember some time soon!

  2. looney_v5 says:

    naa it happens to all of us.. we’re just getting OLD.. kakaka.. either that or we’re too pre-occupied with nonsense…

  3. hey fairy…after the brief phonecall to you I felt this need to take a picture of the shelve above my bed post and put in on my blog…check it out! ; P Le grenouille

  4. andyrascal says:

    forgetful jane!

  5. LucidDr3amer says:

    Ha haaa…happens to everyone.. can relate to the handbag thing too… Mine’s stuffed with all sorts of God alone knows what..Can’t even find my handphone in there half the time.

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