Sunday March 20, 2005

Comments (4) Uncategorized

I read a particular piece of writing last week
It made me stiffen
My heart hurt
The sensation was as if two fingernails were being scratched slowly across my heart
Then the feeling of it being engulfed in a plastic bag for a mere two seconds

Then the pain pushes upwards
Dull shots up up up
Hesitating at my throat
Felt as if someone had just boxed me there
My throat widens slightly as i gasp for breath
Choke choke choke

Then the pain pushes upwards
The air coming out of my nostrils warmer

And the pain pushes upwards
My eyes get hot
And i blink
So that the tears will be spread across my eyeballs
And not drip, for salt and moisturiser do not go

And the pain pushes upwards
To my head which cannot conjure an answer for you
I wish you could find your way
But the fire escape seems nonexistent

I read the particular piece of writing last week
For the second time
It made me stiffen
My heart hurt

And everything happened all over again

4 Responses to Sunday March 20, 2005

  1. Heh! I get the same feeling when I’m missing my smokes.

  2. bzbee says:

    May I have a look at the particular piece of writing too?

  3. nightstar: *hugs* back

    reckless_eagle: haha idiot

    bzbee: heh too private ;p

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