Let’s Make This A
Bitchy Tuesday Shall We?
Okay, i come home from a joyous night of Scrabble with AshleyTheMonkey FaiTheMai QueenKanch and ShowerTarry to read something that made me heart-thumpingly MAD
There’s this awfully strange girl that i met while working in Celebrity Fitness in January.
Let’s just cut the beginning to this post short and go right into business shall we?
“Firstly, I would like to talk about the Fairy. When you first started working at the places we used to work, I thought you were really pretty.”
Why thank you
“Being a shallow person, I decided that you should be as nice a person inside as you do on the outside. So I befriended you.”
You know what, i leave it entirely up to people who meet me whether they think i’m nice or not.
Heck i befriended you as well!
I was working at my desk and chatted to you for a few minutes.
In my opinion, i thought it was damn weird that FIVE FREAKING MINUTES after i know your NAME, you’re saying things like
“Oh! You should meet my boyfriend later!
“Yea? Sure!”
“Yea he’s really hot!”
“Urm… okay…”
In my opinion, a normal girl wouldn’t say that to another girl she *just* met
It’s like a twelve-year-old bragging
Okay nevermind
One strange remark can be excused due to probable miscalculation and miscommunication
“Maybe I was trying too hard when you were going lunch with Kanch and I decided to tag along but all I wanted was to know more about you.”
I just met you an hour ago.
Sometimes people take their lunch break as their rest break, you know.
Work is tiring.
Kanch and i use that precious hour as our only time to laugh and not have to layan people.
Dear Kanch has been working there for ages and doesn’t like you and didn’t want you to come.
I try my best not to judge people before knowing them myself and honestly wouldn’t have minded you tagging along.
I told you politely so there was no wrongdoing on my part.
“My guy friends always tell me anyway, “Pretty girls are not always as good as they look”.”
Heck! I ABSOLUTELY agree with your guy friends!
I’m always saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”
On the last day of my work there, i was talking to one of the managers
The manager… about a work thing
And you popped right up and said
“Hey… *turns briefly to manager* oh sorry *turns back to me* i heard you were leaving! Why?!”
I was like, ohmygod is this girl for real
And said politely
“Hey, i’m talking for a bit, i talk to you later okay?”
Talk about not being professional and having no tact!
Besides that so many other weird things happened that i can’t remember
“You even gave me your number, I remembered and I had some pretty pleasant conversations with you.”
Fyi, i gave you the wrong number. i SO rarely do that. Almost Never.
Yes, you would think that i was having pleasant conversations with you because i wasn’t as mean as everyone else to ignore you.
So i always smiled at you when speaking to you
“Why don’t you just ignore her? Then she won’t bug you!”
“I can’t la… i don’t know her… and she’s never done anything evil to me.”
“Then don’t blame me if she sticks to you haha.”
Do you remember when you sat in our work area even though you actually should be in the other counter?
Kanch and i were on the phone making business calls and you sat in our colleague’s chair in between us
I reckon she might’ve been glaring at you while i looked at you puzzledly with the phone to my ear
After a good 5 minutes and realising that we’re working and cannot layan you, you spoke to yourself
“Oh i’m bored… i guess i’ll go entertain myself somewhere else…”
That. Does not. A pleasant conversation make.
That was. So. Lame.
Let’s think of other so-called pleasant conversations we had
Ah yes i remember!
I was speaking to Kim at the bloggers’ meet in B’sar when you interrupted us
I swear you are just SO GOOD at doing that
So i smiled slightly at you and spoke to you abit
After awhile i said, “Oh hold on, i wanna wish a friend ‘Happy Birthday'”
Barely fifteen seconds after i said that, you interrupted again
My face was less than a foot away from Nikki’s when you POKED your face in between ours
I have never met anyone like you in my life
Absolutely no manners or tact
“But soon after you left, I became quite suspicious because you only came in the morning.”
Damn perasan/paranoid wei you…
You think i planned to go to the gym in the morning to avoid you!?!?
And my work appointments are mostly in the EVENING and NIGHT
The dance classes i like are ALWAYS at 11 am
My trainer has more appointment slots in the morning
There are alot of guys in the free weights area at night
I don’t like guys seeing me lift puny weights okay
There i said it
Boo hoo you made me confess why i go in the mornings
“I added you on MSN but you avoided me.”
Urm i think aloT of my friends can vouch that i don’t speak to them on msn much
I’m always busy doing work, editing photos, or blogging
But yea i can admit i blocked you after thinking you’re a total freak case
I’m pretty sure that’s why MSN invented that feature
Amazing isn’t it?
“Was I too clingy?”
That’s an understatement
“I’m sorry, I don’t have that kind of feelings for you.”
I SWEAR this took the CAKE
I’m not that paranoid and vain okay
In fact, who doesn’t like attention?
If someone fancied me, i’d think it’s cute and get to know the person more
I believe that there is a reason for attraction to take place and to give the person a chance
The kind of attention that *you* give makes me think to myself
“FuCK it’s her, run run run hide hide hide”
It doesn’t help that you used to stalk a friend of mine years ago
It doesn’t help that he’s still freaking scared of you, as am i
ill leave his name out of here for his* sake
It doesn’t help that you put pictures of ponies and some fairy thing on your blog
It doesn’t help you have Kim telling you off on her blog as well on the 18th
It doesn’t help that you write about an astonishing number of people ditching you, don’t you wonder why?
It doesn’t help that i hear people try* to accept you but in the end they just study you out of fascination and disbelief
It doesn’t help that you try to pick a silly non-fight with me
I tell you what *would* help
I won’t link you or say your name
Hey Sparkles..
I’m finally here again got 5 minutes to spare! Talk to you soon yea. Love you byebye!
I’ve known someone like that before. Just do what all your friends have done. Ignore her. She’s a freak case.
Feels good to let it all out eh? Now you make me wonder which one of the ladies there is this biatch.. muahahaha. But I will only wonder π
this gal sure is something difeerent
interesting post..very nice to read….:D
hey is that gal pretty?if yes i dont mind to be her new friend..:D…hehhehehe..
Yish: Hey Twinkles! Haha… you take care now. Don’t fall down in the playgroud, you hear me?
bzbee: heh don’t worry, we know
kamkuey: yes it certainly felt fantastic… π
may_devil: different is a nice way of putting it :p
mytimestory: damn gatal man you! actually, she is pretty decent-looking – tall, fair, nice skin, dresses well. go console her if you like π
now..this is what i call good post..solid bitchings!!
Hmm… tall, fair, nice skin, dresses well.. hmmmm…. is she skinny and lanky as well.. hhehehehe… (getting a wee bit busy body now..teehehe)
Hahaha She should realise sooner what she is like. I think she tries too hard to make a friend, maybe cos this is what always happens to her. She should try to change as much as she can and try to make friends, but not be soo clingy to them.
*It helps to make more than one friend.*
As for you, well I understand how you feel. It can certainly be quite freaky having a person following you all the time.
go joyce go! shouldv’e linked her though… mUAhaHaHAHaHaha
I love this side of Joyce muahaha !
WAHLAU…. what an awesome post but… what the fuck is that… total freak. dude.. i think she tried to hit on you but failed miserably. hence the cover up. anyway, where’s the link to her site?? 2 eProps for crazy colleague!
omfg this is SOOOOO good
i read your post, and that kim’s post and that weirdo’s post….not in chronological order. i thought maybe it’s just one of them people you just don’t like. then i thought maybe kim has a bone to pick with her coz i don’t know either of you. but then i saw her “best asian blog” which hardly has any comments whatsoever and looks like the most horrid piece of shit i’ve ever seen in my life. i read through a few posts and i can just tell that she’s so full of shit. your post is great. i thought kim’s bitchings were even more awesome.
liljooules: somehow everyone seems to fancy passionate bitching ey π
kamkuey: ooh yea… you go there too *whoops* hee hee
starlanceleo: “She should try to change as much as she can and try to make friends, but not be soo clingy to them.” ooh… she changes as much as she can alright…
Ash: looks like someone *kim* already *kim* did π *kim* bwahaha
Tim: i know you do darling π Happy Belated Bday! mwah mwah mwah
Shaun: π
pennypupz: glad it amused you that much π
mrgoodie: yes, kim’s is so much better, can’t deny that! FaiTheMai has the same opinion as you bout that girl’s blog too
fuhyor… your flen… kim… super duper kutuk queen!!
uhm. rofl? very rofl, actually. π