Wednesday June 1, 2005

Comments (11) Uncategorized

I Really Want To…

… put the photos from Penang up but been crazybusy running around lately.
And now when i’m free (soddof) i can’t due to the fact that AdamPeterPan doesn’t have Photoshop.

The horror.
The inconvenience.
Especially for me!

I’m starting to become so domesticated it’s alarming the wings off me.
Instead of going Mambo tonight, i… (okay get ready for this) …

I stayed at home and compiled my photography
Followed the boyfriend for some small stint he had at
Yam cha-ed with boyfriend and boyfriend’s friend
Came home
Did the dishes

And here i am now sipping on wine (ya la the alcohol had to come in sooner or later) while he’s sitting there like Gollum.



This is so not right. Will make up for it this weekend

The Bump Under The Stairs.

fuck man

AshleyTheMonkey and i were just discussing pontianaks at the unearthly hour of 3 30 am

Which is supposedly the time when the spirits are strongest (2-4 am)


10 minutes after i hang up, i hear a bump under the stairs

A distinct bump

A distinct loud bump on a cardboard box


The moment i heard it

My heart leaped and my first thought was

Please be a rat

Please be a rat

Please ohmygod be a fucking rat!


And then had images of a Ju-On face peeping out at me from the dark gape

With her bruised hand reaching for me

Which is right ohmyfuckinggod next to me

Cos my pc is underneath my stairs



11 Responses to Wednesday June 1, 2005

  1. what we need are dishwashers
    that’s like the number one necessity

    dishwashers are a must

  2. bzbee says:

    Sometimes, the concrete on my floor makes noises like that too. Don’t worry!

  3. LucidDr3amer says:

    Eeekkk.. am scared of the dark and funny ghosty things too ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. headup says:

    yeah heard ur area got a lot hantu…

  5. nightstar says:

    its OK your gollum will scare it away hehe

  6. shaun7 says:

    maybe the fairy has lots its wings.

  7. mildseven says:

    ‘…and the only hantu is you..’  I live next to a huge ass cemetry together with a crematorium.. in fact its a multi racial cemetry ..very the muhibbah.. and i still say the only hantu roaming around is me.Eh pls don mention bout Ju On too..i have weird thoughts about it and i freak myself out sometimes..just for phucks..

  8. kim: hey, somehow, i never fancied dishwashers. i just don’t think they get the job done properly!~

    bzbee: heh i won’t la

    luciddreamer: i know i know… just glad i never encountered one yet (touch wood)

    headup: eh. fuck you. seriously la weiiiiiiiii don’t tell me shit like that can or not.

    shaun: ?

    mildseven: eh i know what you mean! sometimes nothing is happening but you intentionally let your imagination run wild anyway just to shiok sendiri!

  9. Educate Adam to get that goddamn photoshop.
    Bump in the night? Sure it wasn’t the rats humping away?

  10. angel_vow says:

    You’ve been watching too many pontianak movies!
    Adam, photoshopless? ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. oh oh! i did already ๐Ÿ™‚ But hmm, not he has to reformat his pc and THEN install it. gonna take ages i bet -_-‘

    rats humping away…. EWWW

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